The new group

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After the battle and Ash telling them the truth it had gotten very late. Ash then said they should stay at his house for the night and they agree. The next morning they wake up at 8am and Ash prepares breakfast for them. After they finish breakfast, they decide to train(they used max revieves on their fainted Pokémon). Riolu against Korrina's lucarrio, after Ash tells Alian that he has a charazard they go against each other with out mega evolution for Alain's charazard, the other Pokémon against which ever ones they wanted to battle.

Now to yesterday
Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Alder, Dianitha, Scott, and Mr. goodshow were in a meeting room.(I let Lance cover kanto and Jhoto) Alder asks "Scott, Mr. goodshow why did you call us here?" Scott says "well Cynthia I think you know that there is a strong trainer on mount coronet in shinno but they haven't given their name." Cynthia says "yes your right but what does that have todo with the reason you called us here." Dianitha says maybe that's the reason. Then Mr. goodshow says "well you guys know after Ash Ketchum left the Kalos region wining second place in the Kalos league there hasn't been much chatter about him. Which I think is a bit wired because Ash would be trying to reach his goal to become a Pokémon master, and I think Ash might have dicided to have a bit of a quieter life after going threw all the regions maybe but I'm not sure." So what your saying the trainer on mount coronet could maybe Ash or not says Lance. Yes that is what we mean and if you want to check it out for yourselves you can and also tell us about what you find. They all agree that they want to find out about the trainer on mount coronet so they head to Shinno.

Time skip present time at ummmmm 10am
All of Ash, Alian, and Korrina's pokemon have been trining after breakfast then riolu senses a group head to their place. Riolu then tells Ash he might have a group of trainers coming to battle him. Ash says "you guys should stay inside the barrier if you want to watch or can train since I am know to be alone here on the mountain along with my Pokémon." Ash then gose out secretly to surprise the group in his disguise while Alian and Korrina see the group and are shocked to see it is all the champions of the regions.

3rd person view(I think)
Lance says "where is this trainer he should be here since we haven't seen him along the way here and this is the peak with no where else to go, Cynthia any ideas?" Cynthia says "no I have never battled them before even though I herd about the trainer." Red then pops up behind all of them and startles them saying here I am.(Back to code name if he has to reveal his name) Steven says "hello trainer would you mind giving us a name so we won't have to call you trainer?" Red then says "you can call me Red, also why would the champions of the regions come here when they are already very strong?" Well we would like to Ask you about Ash Ketchum and if you have any informational him says Lance. Red says "I did battle Ash he said he wanted to get stronger and he managed to take out 2 of my Pokémon but was down to his last Pokémon. It was a greninja that you could say is mysterious like me, after the battle he knew he had gotten stronger and went off to continue his journey. Steven then asks could any of us battle you? Red says "if you want to test your strength against me then you are welcome to."

Hi people sorry for the very bad/sudden change in time. I did it because I guess a 14 year girl can not get any help because we're supposed to be "independent" I know we are but a little help should be fine. Basically this idea came to me after I published the last chpt and I didn't feel like editing that part I don't care that it seems like I'm lazy not to fix that little part.

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