Ugh why you guys

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Time skip to skip the boring training and professor kukui and burnet went back to Alola. 2 months later start of tournament.

3rd person POV

"well it seems everyone has been getting the hang of dynamax or giagantiamax." Says Rotom dex. Ash says yeah that's good if their going to be in the tournament, well tomorrow is the tournament I think we should get some sleep. The next morning the gang go to where every the world coronation series stadium is. When they get there they look for the Pokémon center. Everyone registers and Ash goes up to nurse joy telling her not to make to much commotion and registers him as Red Shadow and she gives him his groups hotel room numbers. Ash says for the tournament until I reveal myself to the world again can you call me Shadow, everyone is like yeah fine pretty easy to do that.

I say I'm going to scout around undetected bye guys, Shadow says I'm going to see if Scott is here yet. The others are going to find their hotel rooms. The others find their hotel rooms and put their stuff there they then go to explore the shops around there. It looks like our "favorite" traitors are here too everyone is competing except for Delia and they are exploring the shops too. They then see Shadows friends they know in a shop near them and they go in to try and persuade them to join their side and maybe get some more allies since their guessing Ash still survived somehow.

Victoria's POV
They go in the shop and start talking to the Alola gang and tell them they are Ash friends and want to talk to them. The Alola gang not knowing their the traitors Kiawe asks what they want to talk about Ash? The traitors say come with us to the forest where it's safe to talk about him. Everyone but Gladion and Kiawe follow them reluctantly to the froest with the traitors in the lead. I then go into the shop human form and tell the others what just happened the Alola gang just trusted the traitors who betrayed Ash even though they know it they have never meet them. They just followed them to the froest you guys should go I'll get Ash. They leave then I change forms to look for Ash as quick as I can.

Champions POV

All the champions in disguise are out at a restaurant meeting the Galar champion and getting to know him better. The reason they are here is for some to compete in the tournament and others just to observe. Who is competing is all of the champions. While they are talking they see a Pokémon they have never seen before run past them calling out for someone with panic on its face. They then dicide to follow it and maybe help it if they can, so they start chasing after it.

Victoria's POV

I run past a restaurant looking for Shadow not knowing the champions saw me but I keep running. I get to the Pokémon center and see Shadow and Scott talking, I run in since it is empty right now. I transform form which shocks Scott and say "Shadow the traitors are trying to get some of your friends over to their side and told them to talk in the forest. I'm not sure if they have Pokémon but we should go now. Shadow then says sorry Scott I'll explain later, I say I'll transform to scout ahead. We then goes towards the froest to find the traitors and the champions and Scott following behind. I go scout ahead and fine the traitors talking seeming ready to draw poke balls and then others don't have any Pokémon.

Traitors POV
We reach a clearing and then the mood of the scene changes you can feel it in the air. Misty says "Okay listen up hear we don't want any stupid answers from you. We know that your friends with Ash Ketchum because of your other friends who just arrived." May then says "Well ask you this only once and if you answer honestly then no one will get hurt. Got It?" The gang nods nervously. May then continues to say "where has Ash Ketchum been this whole time after Serena and Clement betrayed him? And why are you siding with him?" Dawn starts to say something but is cut off by Clement saying "No, they can answer for them selfs and they'll give us an honest answer." Mallow says "why should we tell you? And why do you care if we're on Ash's side?"

Iris says "Oh that is such a little kid answer just tell us and we release our Pokémon on your group." All of Ash's friends mentality gulp because they don't have any Pokémon and they aren't going to betray Shadow. Sophocles say "now I get it you must be the traitors that betrayed Ash." Lana says "we would never betray Ash he helped all of us grow threw his time in Alola." Lille says "he helped everyone get stronger and helped me conquer my fear of Pokémon." Then we all see something jump down from the trees.

Shadow's POV

Victoria comes back saying she found them and will go in frist then I come in when I want. When we get there we hear Lana say "we would never betray Ash he helped all of us grow threw his time in Alola." And then Lille says "he helped everyone get stronger and helped me conquer my fear of Pokémon." I then see Victoria jump down from the tree in her human form. My friends happily and shocked exclaim Victoria.

Victoria's POV

I jump down to help our friends and they are happy and shocked to see me I guess by their expressions. I then say "I saw the Alola gang in trouble and told the others to come after you. I then went to get Ash and told him to come or a friend of his which should be soon . Then I turn to the traitors and say "hello traitors, really attacking them when they are defenseless with your Pokémon. But if you want to battle I'll battle you guys, and Cilain I have a Pokémon you really like with me." I then relese my purrlion and Cilain hides behind Iris. I say "okay purlion you can deal with Cilain for us and also if you can do you know what it will be better." Purlion then goes off to chase a running Cilain going who knows where. Shadow then dicides to come in.

Shadow's POV

I step out from the Shadows(no pun intended) and says "hellos traitors I heard about you from Ash when Ash was in solitude away from you guys and getting stronger, and it seems another betrayal happened since I last saw him. Now I agree with Victoria here and if your going to bother them more I send you off before you can call a attack. The traitors then send out their Pokémon Delia Mr mime, Misty gyarados, May blazekin, Iris dragonite, Serena delphox, Clement luxray. I then send out my pikachu and tell my friends not to interfere. I then tell pikachu to us thunder bolt which ironically sends them blasting off like team rocket would. They all say while blasting off we'll get you when we meet again. I say now that's over let's go back to the hotel, and Victoria changes back into her Pokémon form going off ahead of us, to scout ahead or look for purrlion and Cilain.

Champions and Scott POV

Alder says "what was that all about?" Lance says "I think it was about betrayal." Dianthia then says "so Ash went threw 2 betrayals." In her mind she thinks that's another pice of the puzzle. Leon says "I did battle him once after he saved the stadium from a dynamax drenaw, maybe that was just after the frist betrayal." Cynthia says "but I don't get why they did it we need more information." Scott says "I did ask for an explanation when I told him about the tournament in a letter to him if he didn't know about it. I was also talking to that person with the pikachu before asking him about Ash. Before he had to go with the girl who became that new Pokémon.

Seems EOG's, EOY's, and EOC's are giving me more time for writing chpts so maybe expect sooner updates more frequently, but IDK.

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