Free day 'Relaxing' (Right?)

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With the traitors Misty's POV

Iris says "how did you lose? Also you could have mega evolved gyarados in that battle! That's such a little kid thing! to forget about your mega evolution when the rules allow it in this tournament." I guess I got to pysiced out from his words and they were token to heart. May says "wow I thought gym leaders weren't supposed to be pysiced out really but I guess it just had to happen to you." Clement says "I beg to differ because Misty didn't have her Pokémon put up much of a fight when her Pokémon weren't trapped but something. Maybe she lost on purpose because of love." Serena says "wait you think she let him win because she has a crush on him?" I say "nooooooooooo I do not have a crush on him I just need some time alone to think right now." I walk away and the other start talking about other things.

Shadow's POV

I walk out of my tunnel and dicide to go the long way hoping to find Misty alone so I can take her poke balls. I see her going on a walk towards the Pokémon center, she then drops the poke balls off and walks out again. I think perfect if she goes on a walk she won't be back for a while and I can take the poke balls. Nurse Joy heals the Pokémon pretty quickly and leaves them in the back room with the others. I then go back there and pick them up and move some other poke balls quietly to make it look like someone was in a hurry and only took a few poke balls. Then I go to meet up with my friends. I get back to them and say "hey guys I took the long way to for fill a promise." Mallow asks what was it, and I say "Misty's Pokémon didn't want to be with her any more and wanted to come with me but I think Lana would be better for them." I then realese them and say if you want to join Lana she over there and I point to her. They break their poke balls and Lana already has 3 poke balls ready to catch them, she then catches them.

Misty's POV

Im walking around thinking about why I lost. Maybe I'm not strong enough and getting pysiced out did not help, and I KNOW I'm not in love with that guy nor do I have a crush on him. Plus I don't want to get into whatever the drama between Serena and Lille is happening about my opponent. I come back from my walk and go to the Pokémon center asking for my Pokémon. Then nurse Joy goes to the back room but comes back empty handed and says your poke balls aren't here anymore. I say let me see, she then leads me back to the room and I see some on the ground and some still on the shelf's. I say "it's fine, I think I know what happened to them and I somehow convince her not to report this, I then go back to my hotel room.

Time skip the next day Shadow's POV

Everyone is up and eating breakfast, this should be an easy day since it's a free day. I think I hope we don't run into any of the traitors. All of us are going to train their Pokémon Lana with her new Pokémon and me with greninja justto name some of our training. We have finished breakfast and cleaning up the dishes and are going to train I split off from my friends and release greninja looking for a clearing to start at that's far enough in the forest.

Misty's POV

I tell my friends what happened with my poke balls and my suspicions on Shadow and her group. They all agree with me and we go out to try and fine them. Just our luck we see them head towards the denser part of the park with trees, now we got them.

Dawn's POV

We're on our way to train our Pokémon looking for a lake nearby if there is any and I think Ash has already gone off to somewhere else to train. We're just passing threw the park near a part with denser trees around us, I have this weird feeling that we're being followed but when I looked back I didn't see anyone there. Then the whole gang of traitors come out and start yelling all at once that we stole stuff from them and the others are backup. I think oh gesse and I think we all thought today would be easy since it's a free day. But nooo the traitors always need to interfear with us. I hope we get what ever they want done quickly so we can find a training spot.

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