Reuniting with my Aloan family

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During the plane flight to Alola when everyone is asleep Ash teleports to mount coronet and gathers his Pokémon so they can meet his Aloan family. He is back on the plane and falls asleep, they then all wake up before they get to Alola and get off the plane. Ash says it's good to be back right pikachu and Brock it's brings back memories right. Brock says yah and I didn't bring any supplies for food so where are we going to eat? Ash says "we'll go to Mallows restaurant, I hope she still there or maybe she is traveling to cook for other Pokémon. They then go to Mallows restaurant for dinner and when they walk in Ash says Alola Mallow. Mallow regonises that voice and says "Ash and Brock it's so good to see you since you last visited, I'll whip you guys up something to eat and for your Pokémon too." Ash says you might want to come out and see how many Pokémon we have, they go outside and bring out all their Pokémon. Mallow, Max, and Bonnie are like wow Ash you have so many Pokémon. Ash says these are the Pokémon that I caught threw out all the regions.

They then introduce Ash's other friends and catch up saying the new champion was Haul (idk if I spelled his name wrong and also idk who to make champion they just came to my mind.) They finish eating and say good bye to Mallow and Ash says they will see her tomorrow at the Pokémon school. They go to the Pokémon center on mei mei lie island and get a 2 rooms there. They all go to sleep and the next morning Ash wakes up eraly to go see his Aloan Pokémon and hopefully finding his other friends that had to leave him for most of his journey. Ash leaves a note and leaves with pikachu going to professor kukui's house looking for any ultra worm holes along the way. Ash then tells lyconrock and incenaroar who are training to get his other Pokémon to come out and see him. They all come out and hug Ash and pikachu. Ash then asks if they had seen nadenaggle lately and said no, Ash then asks if they want to meet his other Pokémon and his friends. They agree and Ash gets their poke balls and leaving a note saying the Pokémon will be fine, with no signature. They go back to the Pokémon center and Ash sees everyone having breakfast and Brock had been able to stock up on ingredients and gives the other Pokémon some food. Ash then tells the others a bit about the Alola region having 4 islands and no contest or showcases but when he traveled there he competed in the frost every Alola league and won.

They then leave to go to the Pokémon school with Ash's Aloan Pokémon outside of their poke balls. As they arrive they hear komala ringing the bell and professor kukuis class is outside doing battle class. When they go in Mallow notices they immediately and waves saying Alola Ash, Brock, Bonnie, Dawn, Max, and Victoria. The others then notice and run up to Ash and give him a group hug, and ask why he is here also while hugging Lille blushes a little bit. Ash then says I'll explain after I let out my other Pokémon which are a lot. Kukui then says "so this is where your Pokémon went and how many do you have?" Ash says "they are all the Pokémon I caught over the 8 regions, and he releases his Pokémon letting them greet one another. The others are shocked at how many Pokémon Ash has, and I say I think we should release our Pokémon to play with the others, the others agreed and copy me letting out their Pokémon.

Ash says you might want to sit down for the reason why were here so they go to the class room with me staying behind changing my form and enjoying the sunshine. After they are in the classroom Ash tells them about what happens and they notice I'm gone. And like right on queue I jump up to the balcony of the class room and say oh hey guys I was just enjoying the sunshine out side and change forms. Some of them are shocked and ask what Pokémon I was. I say "like Ash said I'm a gijinka and I'm not sure why I am able to change into a new eeveelution but I know that I'm a dragon type as draceon and don't know of any other draceon. Lille is glad Ash is back because when she was searching for her father she heard from some people talking that Ash Ketchum had seemed to have disappeared from the 8 regions. They then go on with battle class and the others learning about Z moves.

Now let's see what our "favorite" traitors are doing
Iris says "where are they did we lose them?" Misty says "we seem to have lost May did she catch them?" Clian says "idk maybe she's at a Pokémon center to contact us." They go to the Pokémon center to wait for May to call them. Now with May after a few hours she has finally found the snowbell city Pokémon center. When she enters there is a fire going but nurse joy must be out somewhere else. She then goes to the video phone to call her friends at luminos city. It rings and the traitors pick up. Serena asks "where are you May? Also what happened?" May says "well I grabbed onto Ash as they must have had a Pokémon to teleport them to some city with no landmarks I could recognize.

Then before I could get Dawn or any answers I got teleported into a blizzard and just made it to the Pokémon center with a fire thank goodness." Clement says "I think you might be in snowbell city, we traveled there with Ash one time." May says "well how will I get back to luminos city then because I don't have any Pokémon I can fly on to you guys." Iris says "it's seems like I'm the only one with a flying Pokémon. I'll come get you May but you owe me big time if my dragonite severely sufferes from any ice or weather." May gulps nodding.

Now with Dianthia
Dianthia decides she wants to look deeper into Ash Ketchum's/Red's story because she thinks they are the same person. She wonders why there hasn't been any chatter on the new about him, she wonders where he is. She then calls Scott and asks if he has any information on Ash since the last few years, and Scott says he will get back to her latter with anything he finds. THIS IS NOT ME WRITING ASHXDIANTHIA IM JUST USING MY STORY POINT FROM BEFORE. I didn't realize that is sounded like that until I started writing it. I REPEAT NOT A ASHXDIANTHIA I never had Ash dating a champion in mind for my story.

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