A battle of 'love' and a battle of 'fears'

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I think everyone should be out of school now and have summer. So it leads to me doing what I want while also writing this book. So either slow or fast updates during summer.

3rd person POV

Lille and Victoria R. go to find their friends after their encounters with the champions and Serena. The traitors do their usual non stop training on their Pokémon. The champions dicide to try and take a break from Ash Ketchum if they can. They do what ever since they have free time. Professor Oak came back from putting his plan into action and got Iris out of jail. I'm not sure how the plan worked he didn't tell me. But I think he put a ditto, or zoura, or zorark in her place along with a voice recorder.

Shadow's POV

We left the stadium after Victoria won her match and went to the park. It has been 30 minutes and I see Lille and Victoria on their way to us. I say "hey guys and wave to them as they come over, where have you guys been?" Lille says "I was on my way here but got stoped by one of the traitors Serena. She wanted to battle me for some reason she sent out her sylveon and I sent out my vulpix. I used hail and later when I used blizzard it became so thick she couldn't see what I was doing. I used my ice type Z-move with out her knowing we had those moves up our sleeves. Sylveon fainted after that which I didn't except and afterwards her friends came and seemed to be mad at her."

I say "that's good, let's hope that teaches the traitors a lesson. What are you doing Victoria?" Victoria says "well I was coming up with a new routine for a while. And then the champions mainly Lance, Steven, Alder, and Leon strongest trainer. They asked me questions about draceon and I answered them then I left since I have no more answers. That was normal since the poperaitzy wanted to know about draceon when they frist saw it in a show case." I say "that must have been fun before the champions came."

Shadow then sees a pair of butterfree flying by one was pink and the other one was purple with a yellow scarf. It was sunset making the scarf look a bit orange along with the yellow. But shadow knew it was his butterfree, I say guys I'm going to go say hi to an old friend. I walks towards the butterfree and say "hi butterfree long time no see since Kanto." Freeeee freeeee says butterfree. What are you doing here? Aura understanding for readers activated. Butterfree says "We were flying around here looking for you. A Pokémon told us about a strong trainer in alola and they were on their way to this region for a tournament." Do you want to join my team your mate can too. They say yes and Ash captures them in 2 poke balls.

The next morning/day 3rd person POV

Everyone got up and had breakfast. The real Iris is going to stay out of jail for now but not compete since she was already disqualified. The champions are not sure what to do next, so their going to take a break. As am I because I'm not sure what to do with them next other than the same things. Ash's gang saw their match ups, Lille is the 3rd battle against Serena, a ironic quincentent. And Ash is going to crush Misty in their match later on in the day.

Time skip to Serena's and Lille's battle 3rd POV

Serena says "so we meet again this time I will beat you. And Ash will be mine." Lille says "we'll see about that Serena we'll see. Also how do you know those are those like of feelings?" Serena says "not sure but enough chit chat we have to battle." The ref says this will be a 3 on 3 battle trainers send out your Pokémon. Serena sends out altaria from hoenn duh and Lille sends out her alolan sandslash. The ref says battle begin. Serena says "what is that?" Lille says "it's a Aloan sandslash, I'm from alola so why wouldn't I have any Aloan Pokémon. Sandslash use ice beam" Serena says "wait there are 8 regions? what do you even do there? Altaria use dragon pulse." The attacks collide and Serena is shocked it did nothing to sandslash but hurt altaria. Lille sees this and says "Serena didn't you know steel types are immune to dragon type attacks, which is one of the typings for my sandslash. Now let's end it with Metal crash. Serena doesn't know what to do so altaria gets hit with metal claw and then icicle crash knocking it out.

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