Back to mount coronet

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Idk how long this story will be but for anyone wondering what chpt is me being lazy and not typing chapter.

After Ash left Kalos/luminos city and teleporting himself to a town near by mount coronet.(idk where because I haven't played games also anime never went to mount coronet's area.) He bought supplies that he would need and supplies for his Pokémon too. He then goes to where he and Riley had trained and put up a aura shield to hide his temporary home in case anyone to suppisuos came up here and found it. Ash dicided to train his Pokémon and himself in mount coronet's eviorement while also practicing his aura ability's.

Time skip 6 months latter
Ash now going by Red(if I come up with a better name then I will change it in other chpts that have not been published) if he ever reveals his name to anyone which he hasn't to yet, has gotten a reputation of being a strong silent trainer from one person who battled him and spread the word. Alian and Korrina wanting to find out the name of the mysterious trainer and to also get stronger went up together after they met up to catch up with each other but Ash wasn't there.

They then gather their supplies if they are going to be staying there over night, they then get on a flight to Shinno. Once they arrive in Shinno and start traveling to mount coronet and it starts to get late when they are traveling threw a forest and set up camp for the night. The next morning they start off again to mount coronet and make it to the base of the mountain and train before they face the mysterious trainer. During the time Ash's siblings are training Ash has gone out to buy food for himself and his Pokémon and is then coming back with riolu who dicided to tag along, who senes some people near the bottom of the mountain and tells Ash. They then go spy on them for a bit after they get back to their home Ash tells riolu that the people at the bottom of the mountain were his siblings Alian and Korrina.

The next day Ash wakes up early and trains riolu and pikachu for the battles ahead of them. They then have breakfast and wait for his siblings to challenge him and he dicides to let pikachu walk next to him to see if they notice pikachu. Alian and Korrina start climbing up mount coronet looking for the mysterious trainer and battle Pokémon who block them along the way. They reach the peak and are looking around when Ash comes up behind them and surprises them, then Alian says "you must be the mysterious trainer, me and my sister would like to have a battle and might we ask your name. Ash says " I'm Red and who wants to go frist, you can use all the Pokémon you have on your team."

Alian has his team from Kalos and has found a new mega and key stone for himself the mega stone is charazard x which has a bule color around the symbol, and Korrina has her Pokémon from the anime lucarrio who can mega evolve, mienshao, machamp who evolved from machoke, hawlucha, pancham, idk who the last one should be. Korrina says she will go first and she starts out with pancham and Ash/Red sends out riolu, battle begin says Alian.

Hello readers sorry if uploading 3 time in one day was to much idk but I WAS NOT TRYING TO RUSH THE STORY/CHAPTERS I just posted once I was done. I won't do that again really and now I am forcing my self to post because I guess I am used to posting on Saturday and Sunday, so idk my schedule I think it's when ever I want.

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