The champions battles part 1

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Battles underlined

Red says "so you want to test your strength against me then you are welcome too, but who will be going first?" The champions decided that they would each go up against Red with their strongest Pokémon, Alder frist, then Steven, next Dianintha, afterward Lance, and finally Cythina.(idk who is strongest but I heard in game Cythina is hard for people to beat.)

Lances says we all challenge you to a 5 vs 5 Pokémon battle but we will all go against you with our strongest Pokémon. Red says ok and who challenges me frist? Alder steps foward and says I will and sends out buffalant(the internet is no help for who's alders strongest Pokémon so I go with the only one I've seen him use in the anime.) Red sends out leavanny and Lance says battle begin.

Buffalant use headbutt. Leavanny use energy ball. Buffalant charges threw the energy ball and some very little damage to leavanny(because Ash has trained a lot) which surprises Alder. Red says leavanny use tackle then X-sxissor which dose some damage. Buffalant use horn attack. Leavanny use string shot at its feet/hoves. Buffalant gets stuck and can't move Alder says try to break out. Red says use a barrage of energy ball and razor leaf. Buffalant then faints and Lance says buffalant is unable to battle.

Lance says now the battle between Red and Steven will begin send out your Pokémon. Steven sends out his ace metagross and Red sends out glalie. A/N: glalie/snorunt never go that much time to shine being chuaght late in the series and then in shinno the grand festival evolving into glalie for why idk ask Pokémon or I could've of done swellow which I liked at lot with thunder armor.

Red starts off by saying use dubble team and headbutt which dose damage. Use metal claw says Steven and dose some damage. Use crunch, meteor mash go both moves collide and cancels out. Use ice fang then crunch after those 2 moves hit metagross has a hard time standing up. Steven says metagross mega evole(idk if says something during the sequence search it up if you want.) Red says use icy wind and then sheer cold. Metagross dodge it says Steven but metagross is not fast enough and gets frozen(not a reference to the movie but I think frozen in games means the Pokémon is frozen in a block of ice.) uh oh this can't be good says Steven. Red finish this with dobbule team and headbutt. Glaze does that and metagross faints.

Ironically when I was writing this chpt these 2 battles and me searching up leavanny and glalie they were both next to an eeveelution page. Also if Ash Pokémon did not have the moves I put I can't remember all the moves so I used a book for help. Sorry for not posting sooner like I would of maybe it's just getting to the end of 3rd quarter and start of 4th. I also have a project due soon, when things calm down I will be able to write more. Um any ideas for another name for Ash so he could have 2 cover names which will make sense later in the story.

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