Frist battle and frist traitor in jail score

356 0 0

3rd person POV

The champions wanted some more information on Ash Ketchum and his betrayals. They are going to see if they can uncover more information about Ash, other than the information Dianthia has. Most of the champions are shocked Ash's friends would ever betray him, because when they meet each other on their journeys they seemed so close. The Alolans now know who the traitors are. Kiawe and Galdion are sure to bring Pokémon along with them. It is evening and Ash's gang has had dinner and are preparing for the opening ceremony tomorrow. Cynthia is working on looking deeper into Ash's story.

Now the next morning
A lot of trainers have registered and have gathered on the main stadium battle feild for the opening ceremony. The champions are in the crowd close to the stage. Ash is with his group not wanting to reveal his identity and they have the traitors well in their sight for now. Scott gets everyone's attention and says "welcome to this tournament trainers. We have many trainers in this tournament and many stadiums for the battles. If your wondering what the battle format will be it will be 3 on 3 or higher." Then Charles goodshow explained the rules further and said there were 512 people in the tournament most of them had competed in the world coronation series."

They then are dismissed with the battles begging later that evening. The champions, Scott, and Mr. goodshow now are going to help Cynthia with their research. The traitors who must be living under a rock are going to train without knowing about dynamax. Ash's friends and I are hoping to have a relaxing day than the one yesterday. Ash is going to find a clearing for all his Pokémon in the forest away from the traitors and maybe tell Scott his story.

Ash's POV

We just left after the opening ceremony and I'm going into the forest to see if there is a good clearing for my Pokémon. After a while I fine a good clearing and tell my Pokémon they can stay here but pikachu wants to stay with me. I then start to head back to where my friends are but on my way there I see some of my old ravails. Mainly Paul, Alain(who came here for the tournament), Gary, and Tobaiss who's in the shadows esdroping but I won't reveal where he's hiding.

He went up to them and said "hey guys, did you miss me?" Paul says who are you? Alain says "oh hey I'll play along until they guess." Gary says "have we meet before? And Alain what are you hiding?" Alain says "I meet this guy you know very well, a bit before you guys so don't be mad at me for not telling you." Gray says "someone we would know very well. Who would that be?" He then starts thinking to himself. Paul also starts pondering who it could be and Alain waiting for them to figure out who it is.

Ash then dicides to talk to Tobaiss without revealing where he is, and uses aura to talk to him. Ash says "hey Tobaiss long time no see." Tobaiss kind of jumps in the shadows at the sudden voice in his head and answers back who are you? Ash says "you'll find out along with my other rivals. And if your wondering how I'm doing this it's with aura. So I'm guessing your scouting around a bit, but then heard my rivals talking about me?" Tobaiss says yes how did you know? Ash says "well I think most people would want to know the layout of the place. But not that many would do it in the shadows." Tobaiss says pretty smart, that you figured that out and know who I am.

Paul gaps thinking he got it catching all of their attention and asks "would you by any chance be Ash? Because that's the only thing me and Gary could have in common with you I think." Ash says "yep you caught me, and don't be mad at Alain for finding me frist and keeping me still being alive a secrect." Both are like okay fine, Paul then asks "where and what have you been doing these past 3ish years?" Ash says "oh you know a usal 2 betrayals and disowning yourself from your family. Becoming stronger and then 2 years later reuniting with true your true friends. Meeting another friend and coming here for the tournament."

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