Traitor drama

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I think this might be a more traitor and champion story progression for the whole chpt or just the start of the chpt

Champions POV

The champions and Scott had been watching/listening to the battle. Some more than others and what chuaght one of the champions attention was the Pokémon Victoria had out frist he thinks she called it draceon and said it was a dragon type. Alder nor anyone else had been really paying attention till the 3rd battle and were shocked about what Iris did yesterday to her Pokémon. Something else chuaght Scott's, Cynthia's, and Dianthia's attention other than a new Pokémon maybe was what the announcer said the name they were looking for their story Ash Ketchum. So the champions did have some questions for both of those people. They dicided to split up to talk to the 2 people and then regroup and trade their information. Group one was Scott, Cynthia, Dianthia who were going to talk to the announcer about Ash Ketchum if they knew anything. And group two was Lance, Steven, Alder and Leon were going to ask Victoria about draceon.

Traitors POV

Misty says "ugh why did Iris have to talk so loud." May says "ikr now they might be on higher guard." Clian says "Serena and Clement why did you tell us about the fairy types it's kind of seems like sabajote to Iris your both from Kalos." Clement says "true we're from Kalos and we meet some fairy types. But you never asked us about any other types." Serena then says "also we never thought that your guys wouldn't know we thought it would be common knowledge." Professor Oak says "if Iris is sent to jail leave it to me I know I can get her out."

Iris POV in 3rd person

After I was hand cuffed and taken to the nearest police station, I was put in a very big interrogation room which seems werid to me that they would need that much space. They took my Pokémon to another room for their interrogations. Now I'm bored and I need to get out of jail so I can be the only one to have that little kid's draceon. Officer Jenny comes in and says "another one of her comrades is asking all her Pokémon questions along with nurse Joy checking for what drugs you used. She then says "now to start the interrogation. So Iris is it true that you worked your Pokémon very hard yesterday and gave them drugs, as you said in the stadium?" Iris says "I'm not answering you can't make me talk." Officer Jenny then says "oh we can make you talk we have our ways. And we'll have a recording soon since it was recorded on live TV." In officer Jenny's mind not to mention that we'll make more than one copy if they try to destroy evidence. Also there were live witnesses.

Officer Jenny says "since you haven't answered yet we will need to bring in our frist reinforcement." Then a glaceon comes in and sits near Iris. Iris says shivering a little "tttthat dose nt scare mmmmmeeee you foooooools." Officer Jenny then says "okay we'll play your game but we can keep going all day and you will eventually TALK." Next a spritzee comes in, afterwards a bergmite is brought in, and finally a aurorus comes in with a loud roar. Then Iris already very scared says "okay okay I'll talk. Yes I did train my Pokémon non stop yesterday only myself stoping for meals. And yes I did by drugs for my Pokémon because I thought the weakling Ash Ketchum would be here. I ran into him a few weeks back and he should fear me and my dragon types. Now can I go please?" Officer Jenny says "we will think about it but for now you will get a cell here." In officer Jenny's mind she's like ya right we'll let a Pokémon abuser and drug use go. She then walks out of the room, and Iris is taken to a cell.

Dianthia's POV

Before we went looking for the female announcer Cynthia and I got our disguises and then went to find her along with Scott. 10 minutes later we see the announcer sitting at a table outside of a cafe reading a book. We go up to her and Scott says "mind if we join you or are you waiting for someone else?" She then says "no I'm just relaxing while someone else is announcing the matches." Scott says "can we ask you a few questions about your last's match commentary then?" *looks at her asking for her name* She says "yes you can and my name is Victoria. I know kind of ironic how one of the competitors in the tournament has the same name as me, but we have different last names." Cynthia then ask's "we were wondering what you know about Ash Ketchum since you mentioned something very odd/specific that could happen in someone's life."

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