Chapter 11: Presents, Hugs, And...Kisses?

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“How’d you know?!”  Bella cried.

“Well you said that you wanted a Polaroid camera for a while, and I just figured, what the heck? Why not?”

“But this is soo expensive!” Bella shouted. “How could you possibly pay for-“

“Let me worry about the expenses. Do you like it?” Louis asked excitedly.

Bella slammed her lips into his. She was so happy! Louis stood there, in shock, under her lips. Then he kissed her back. Bella realized what she just did. She pulled back.

“Oh my gosh, Lou! I’m so sorry! I was just excited-“ Lou stopped listening from there on. Was that all it was? He’d thought it was so much more. It HAD to be more. “-and I just-“

“God! Just shut up, already!” Louis said, kissing her. And Bella kissed back. Louis lifted his one arm and took a picture. Then she wrapped her arms around him as they kissed. Neither one wanted to pull back. Louis pulled back first. “I-I-um…” Bella attempted.

“Let me see the picture!” Louis said. Bella handed Louis the picture and watched as he taped it on the wall. He was so cute. He was so perfect. Of course, the voices came back to Bella, then. Telling her he was way out of her league. That she already ruined her own life, so why make Louis take all her weight and ruin his life, too? Bella’s eyes filled to the brim with tears.

“I-I’m so sorry Lou.” Bella said as he turned back to her, tears spilling down her face. “You- ….you’re perfect, and-…… and……-well, I’m not. And I’m not worth it, Lou. Don’t waste your time on me. You’re so handsome and perfect. Go find a girl who is worth your time. I’m so sorry…I don’t mean to keep running away but…..” Bella stood there, at a loss for words. “I-I love you.” Bella cried, stumbling backwards, sitting the camera on the bed, and ran out the door.

Louis stood frozen. He listened as Bella said a quick, crying thank you and goodbye to Lottie and Johannah, and sprint out the door. Lottie walked into Lou’s room and slapped his arm.

“Hey idiot, run after her.” She said simply. Louis didn’t need telling twice. He sprinted out the door, chasing Bella.

“Bells, Bells! Come back Bells!” Louis ran through the streets, searching for her. It was so hard to see! It was dark and raining. She would probably catch pneumonia by the time he found her. Then he saw her, crumbled in a ball, against the graveyard fence. Louis sprinted towards her. He sat down next to her, and sat her on his lap, facing him.

“Bells, I know you think you’re ugly. But you light up my world like nobody else. And when you smile at the ground it’s not hard to tell, you don’t know….” Louis paused, waiting for Bella to look him in the eyes. “You don’t know your beautiful. That’s what makes you beautiful. You’re the prettiest, funniest, gentlest, most amazing girl I’ve ever met. And you’ve got it backwards. You’re perfect, and I’M not worth it. And…Bells, I love you, too.” Louis said, gently setting his lips against hers, in a soft, loving kiss. They sat there for what felt like forever, their lips resting on each other’s. Bella wished she could just freeze this moment forever. Bella pulled back and looked at Louis, smiling. Louis wiped Bella’s tears away with his thumb. Bella smiled wider, laughing and crying in happiness, and hugged Louis, tightly. Not ever wanting to let go.

“Bells, will you be my girlfriend?” Lou whispered in her ear. Bella pulled back and looked Louis in the eyes. Did she just imagine his words? Did he really mean it? Bella sat there, frozen, watching Lou’s smile slowly fade to a frown. She watched as his face filled with worry, scared that she might reject him. She leaned forward, her lips playing against his. “Yes.” She whispered against his lips. Louis jerked forward, kissing her again. It wasn’t as gentle as before. It was fierce. Louis put all his emotion in the kiss, and Bella could feel it. It was fierce, loving, and happy.

How To Save A Life: A Louis Tomlinson FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now