Chapter 3: The Boy

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Bella woke up the next morning, still tired from her restless sleep. She decided that she wouldn't kill herself, yet. It was too soon. She had to see a few favorite spots today. She'd probably wait until tonight to die. She stepped into the shower, the water still too cold for her liking. She turned up the heat, and after a quick wash, she jumped out. She wrapped a towel around her, carefully stepping around the mirror glass on the floor. She didn't bother to pick it up yesterday, and she wasn't going to today.

She dusted off tiny specks of glass off her foot, remembering that it was Saturday. She loved Saturday. She was free from her dad, teachers, and students. She was so ecstatic that as she even bothered to find a nice outfit. She picked out her favorite items of clothing, and luckily they matched. She wore navy blue Toms, worn skinny jeans, and her favorite shirt. Her shirt was a plain black tee, with a bright red wording saying, "MANY CHOICES, ONE DIRECTION" She didn't exactly know what it meant, but she took it as meaning that life had many choices, all making up that one direction that your life went in. She didn't know why, but this was her favorite saying. Maybe it gave her hope that, in the future, if she made the right decisions, her life would head in a good direction and take a turn for the better.

Bella even put on her navy blue pea-coat on, dashing down the stairs, and quickly running outside. Bella felt people's eyes on her, as she made her way through the streets. People were staring at her, she knew it. Bella attempted to focus her attention on something else. She ended up looking down at her wrist, observing the scars left behind from the sad, long, nights she would feel at her lowest. Her fingers traced the permanently marked skin as her mind wandered to another place.

Bella didn't know where she was going, she never did. She just needed to get away from it all. She always felt that, maybe, if she walked far enough away, her problems would get lost, and she could be carefree...

She used to be different. There was a time when things were alright. When her mother was still breathing... when her father was sober... when her life was just fantastic... when she had so many friends.

But when her mother died, everything went downhill from there. Her father started with drinking, then eventually became associated with drugs. He would beat her, and scream at her. Then he would say sorry and promise to sober up. But that promise had been broken so many times that Bella stopped keeping track.

Her home life ruined her, and slowly she started distancing herself from everyone. She lost all her friends and more students began teasing her.

Then THAT night when she lost her virginity. She was trying to walk away from her problems, when she ran into Troy. She was randomly walking down a dark alley, when Troy appeared out of no where. Troy was a boy in her grade. A druggy, an alcoholic. She remembered how he yanked her into that abandoned building. She could still almost feel his alcohol laced breath breathing down on her, his sweaty hand holding her wrists and his large muscular body pinning her down onto the ground. His other hand pulling down her pants, and slipping his hand down her underwear, twirling her hair around his fingers, licking the inside of her mouth.

THAT night was one of Bella's worst. She was so depressed, she just gave up on life. She didn't even bother to fight Troy. Don't get her wrong, she didn't want him to fuck her, but she was so depressed, she just didn't care. If people were going to call her a whore, well then, why not live up to the reputation? So, she just layed there lifelessy as he pulled his pants and her underwear off, and started to fuck her. When he was too tired to go on, he would laid on top of her, with his 'thing' still in her body, until he was no longer tired. He'd repeat the process again, as Bella layed lifelessly under him. He went on like that all night, only stopping in the morning because it was bright, and he was hungry.

Then he left, but not before taking a picture of her, and taking all but her underwear and bra with him. Laughing, he walked away...She was left there, to walk home in her underwear and bra. And that's what she did. She started crying, as she took the backstreets home. Luckily, no one saw her.

She never filed a report. She never told anyone what really happended. She kept it all to herself. Luckily, the next month, Troy moved, but not before telling everyone at school that Bella forced herself on Troy. Not before telling everyone that she fucked him and at least 34 other guys from different schools, just in that year. Everyone believed Troy. He was popular, he had proof (the picture he took), and Bella was already known as the freak. Why wouldn't people believe him? That was the first day Bella was ever called a slut.

Then that first time she picked up the razor. The feeling of pressing it against her wrist, seeing the blood trickle down her arm. Pure ecstasy. Wonderful.

Bella looked up from her thoughts. She was at a park. She stopped here often. The park held no meaning. She just stopped here out of habit. But over time, she'd grown fond of the park. There was a playground, a creek, and a tennis court. The best part was the peacefulness. No one came to the park. It was actually down some path in the woods, so she doubted many people even knew about it. Pure bliss, the quietness was. It helped Bella think.

In the far right corner of the park, at the edge of the woods, was an old, rusty, swing set. Bella walked over. There were two swings, and Bella decided to sit on the left one. She slowly swung back and forth, the swing creaking as she went.

Bella thought about life, her thoughts going from THAT night, to school, to her father. She swung, lost in thought. A voice startled her from her sad thoughts. Out of the corner of her eye was a handsome, young man, smiling. Bella shook her head and wiped her eyes, thinking she was imagining things.

"Hello." The boy greeted. Was he talking to her? She looked around. He had to be, there was no one else here... "Hello?..." he repeated, still smiling, as if he hadn't a care in the world. His voice was deep, and British. Bella scrunched her eyebrows together. Why wouldn't he leave her alone? Couldn't he tell she was busy being depressed?

It was weird. Normally people walked the other way when they saw Bella, not towards her. And they certainly didn't talk to her. She turned her head to the right, seeing a rather tall boy standing beside her.

The boy's smile got even wider as he caught Bella's face. "I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson. You can call me Lou.... And you are, darlin'?" He said.


A/N: hello! How do you guys like it so far? I hope it's good! xxx leave comments below or @Hartzzy5 on twitter! Please give me feedback! xxx


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