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A/N: Okay, so a reminder: This entire book contains mentions of rape, there will be no graphic scenes but there will be some triggering elements. If you find this sensitive please, don't read!

With that settled- there will be a flashback in this chapter, the text will be in italics to indicate this.


Nikki's POV, March 1986

This wasn't how tonight was meant to go...

How did it end up like this? How did I end up in the corner of a restroom, shaking, crying, feeling physically sick- just wanting the ground to swallow me and end my suffering?

I didn't fucking know. Really, I didn't. All I know is my life isn't ever gonna be the same.

I'd been here for a good 10 minutes just trying to process the last hour of my life... and how tonight had gone from a normal night out to the worst night of my life.

I'd come out tonight with Mick, Vince and Tommy- Tommy and I have been together almost 6 years and they've been the absolute best years of my life. We'd just finished our tour for our 'Theatre Of Pain' album so we were out tonight to celebrate the 128 shows we'd completed.

Tonight had started so fucking well... where did it go wrong....

"Nikki! Get you ass down here, we're gonna be late and I don't fancy getting an earful of Vince Neil tonight" I hear Tommy yell from where I presume to be the bottom of the staircase.

I rolled my eyes and finished applying my eyeliner "Okay, okay, chill, I'm coming!"

Once I'd finished applying the eyeliner I gave myself the once over in the mirror and shrugged not putting to much effort into my appearance because it's Tommy and the guys... who am I impressing?

I stood up from the chair at my vanity table and made my way to the top of the stairs making my way down snatching up my leather jacket from where it was hanging on the end of the banister- Tommy then began clapping and cheering "Woo! Yeah! Finally, I was seconds from dragging you down myself"

"Fuck off, Tommy- I'm here now aren't I?"

"After about twenty years" Tommy huffed playfully, nudging me softly.

I rolled my eyes "Not quite twenty.... fifteen, I'll accept but twenty that's just an insult"

Tommy laughed and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, my arms went around his neck and I rested my forehead against his "Fifteen it is then"

"Good" I murmured leaning in and pressing my lips against my boyfriend's, our lips moved against each other for a few seconds before Tommy pulled away.

"I love you, Nikki"

"I love you too... god, more than you'll ever understand" I whisper running a hand through the drummers hair "Come on, we better leave"

Tom nodded and took my hand opening the front door leading me outside and throwing me the car keys- I catch them and unlock the car climbing in the passenger side waiting for Tommy to lock the front door, he does that and comes over to the car- when he's inside I hand him the keys and we set off to meet Vince and Mick.

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