•𝗨𝗻𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀•

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Nikki's POV

Where was I? I don't remember being here... I was at home wasn't I? So, why am I here?

I'm in the bar... the bar I was at last week with the guys only they weren't here... the place was empty.

My eyes looked around the room in both curiosity and fear, I didn't want to be in this place... not after what happened, I wanna go home... I just wanna go home.

I began to walk around, heading over to the bar to see if I could find anyone... remembering to stay as far from the restrooms as humanly possible, I leant over the bar scanning the area and listening for anything or anyone.

There was silence.

Or at least there was until I heard a voice behind me... a voice I never wanted to hear again, a voice that scared the living shit out of me.

"Hello, there Nikki"

Every muscle in my body went rigid and my heart stopped dead in my chest, my eyes widening in fear "No... no... stay-... stay away from me!" I yelled spinning around backing up slowly away from the man who'd started all this.

He took steps forward as I took them backwards "Why would I do that? Why would I stay away from someone as beautiful and as obedient as you... I never said thank you for last week... you felt great, so good I want a second helping"

I shook my head frantically "Please... please stay away from me... please... leave me alone, p-please leave me alone"

"Come on, don't be like that... we had fun didn't we? Come over here, let me take what I want"

"Get away from me you perverted fuck, stay away from me! You've ruined me! You've ruined my entire life!" My back then came into contact with a wall- the guy was coming way to close for comfort.

I'd forgotten how to breathe, how to function- like I did last week... I just froze seeing him again- sobs came from my throat as he placed on of his hands next to my head and pressed his body against mine- my hands were gripping onto my jeans as I felt one of the guys hands go down my waist to my thigh.

"S-stop it-... s-... stop it... I-... I can't-... don't d-do this a-again, I d-don't want this... p-please"

His hand left my thigh and appeared on my face "No, it's okay baby boy... we're gonna have some more fun aren't we?"

"No, l-leave me... l-leave me.." I gasped hopelessly, as I hear my belt being unbuckled "L-... leave me..."

"Enjoy it... I know deep down you did... deep down you wanted me" he whispers letting my pants drop to the floor moving to drop his own "Let's have fun, shall we Nikki?"

I sat up violently shaking trying to regain my surroundings- not understanding where I was... but what I did realize is I was alone.

W-where was he? Wh-... where was he?

My eyes swiftly scanned the dark room to see I could locate him but then it dawned on me I wasn't in the bar... I was in Tommy and I's bedroom and then reality set in.... it had just been a nightmare, it wasn't real.

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now