•𝗪𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗻 𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗧𝗵𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀•

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A/N: This is a slight filler chapter but oh well, it serves it's purpose 😂


Nikki's POV, Early May 1986

So, hey... Tommy did what he said he'd do and he got me a therapist, I insisted that I have a female therapist because I just feel more comfortable around a woman in this situation, I feel less judged.

It took me a couple of weeks to find a therapist I liked the look of but I found one eventually.

I've already had two sessions in therapy over the last week which were basically just me getting aquatinted with Olivia, which was my therapists name, we also discussed briefly what happened but I didn't give any details.

She'd asked me a number of questions and things like that, she asked me how I deal with certain emotions and gave me scenarios and I had to answer honestly with how I'd react to try and gather and gauge how I might react to some of her questions and how I'd be reliving certain things- it was fine for the most part.

I ended out telling her about my childhood trauma and all that shit as an explanation as to why I handle some things irrationally and why I'm handling what I went through so badly.

Anyone who is raped has issues, that's just a given- but my past adds to it... I'm not trying to dig for sympathy or anything cause I hate that but I've been through so much in my life and I'm really at a breaking point, even I have my limits to how much emotional trauma I can endure.

Today was another therapy session, Tom and I had woken up at 9:30 am, showered, eaten and then headed out at 11:00 am, we arrived at my session at 11:15 am and got sorted at the reception desk I guess but I didn't begin properly talking until half past.

Today we were actually talking about that night... I wasn't entirely prepared for it, but it had to be done... the sooner the better. Olivia said that we could wait a few extra weeks until I have to talk about it but I declined- I'd be driven insane if I had to wait a few more weeks.

Tommy had been with me for the sessions, I wouldn't have him anywhere else- he sits and listens for the most part occasionally he'll take my hand or something if I'm talking about my past and I have a feeling today he'll struggle to listen to what I have to say.

"Hey, Nikki" Olivia smiles as Tommy and I enter the room.

"Hey" I smiled back.

Olivia then looks to Tommy "Hey"

"Yo, you good?"

"I'm fine, Tommy- thank you" she laughed lightly closing the door and turning the lock and sitting down and I sat on the couch where I usually sat with Tom placing himself about a foot away from me.

"Okay, so... are you sure you want to discuss what happened- today, Nik? You can back out if you want" Olivia asks cautiously wanting to make sure I was 100% okay with this line of questioning, I was incredibly uncomfortable and shitting bricks but I needed to do this not just for me but for Tommy.

"Nah, I'll do it" I say sending her a slightly shaky smile to accompany my words.

"If you're sure"

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now