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Tommy's POV

Nikki still hadn't come back from the bathroom.... he should be back by now... but he wasn't- it was making me incredibly nervous, I was looking out for him but he wasn't anywhere, if he wasn't here in the next minute or so I'll go and look for him.

My hand picked up my drink and I placed it against my lips, finishing what was left in the cup and dropping it down on the table, my eyes moving over to Nikki's cup and I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach- I felt like I needed to look for him.

Just as I was going to get up I saw Vince coming back over looking mildly pissed due to the fight he's had to break up- he sat back down saying "Those complete fucking assholes- I was so close to beating them myself, Mick's escorting them both out so they can fight all they want outside my property"

I completely ignored Vince's moaning and just straight asked "Hey, have you seen Nikki on your way back?" with a raised eyebrow- I was really fucking concerned now about the whereabouts of my boyfriend... he looked so haunted when he got up, like he'd seen a ghost or something. It's been almost 10 minutes now... he's still not back.

"No, why?" Vince replied confused "Wasn't he here?"

"He was- he got up 'bout 10 minutes ago... I'm gonna go find him" I tell the blonde who nodded watching as I got up and disappeared from his view into the crowd.

What made Nikki freak out like that?

There was no way in hell he was telling me the truth about going to the bathroom- that was clear by his facial expression- he looked terrified.

Nikki was fine to begin with this evening, I mean yes- it was obvious he was apprehensive about coming out tonight but when he we got here and sat with the guys he seemed be more comfortable... then what happened? He just began to look panicked... I was gonna find out what happened, for sure- tonight I was going to get answers so I need to prepare myself for the answer I'm going to get.

It can't be good whatever it is.

I make my way through everyone looking out for Nikki- I'd be here forever if I was looking for him so I'd decided to ask someone "Excuse me? This might sound kinda weird but you haven't seen Nikki Sixx by any chance have you?"

The guy looked over at me and nodded looking kinda confused as to why I was asking him "Yeah... he was chatting with some guy then I saw him run upstairs- he hasn't come back down so he's still probably up there"

I nodded "Thanks, dude"

I didn't stay around for his reply I just ran straight upstairs getting up to the top within seconds instantly looking at the doors of Vince's second floor, peaking my head into each of the rooms- all of them were clear.

Then I notice something, Vince's bedroom door was closed.

That's weird, Vin usually leaves it open at parties so then if he comes up here and it's closed he knows someone's using it for one thing or another.

I had a feeling though I should see who's in there because from what that guy said Nikki didn't come back down from here... seems as the bathroom and other bedroom doors are open are all rooms are empty... chances are he's in there... there is no harm in checking.

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now