•𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗧𝗼 𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆•

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Tommy's POV

Nikki and I cuddled in Vince's room for about an hour- we didn't say anything, I just held Nikki and traced patterns onto his back. After the hour mark though, Nikki suggested we head home because according to him we'd 'overstayed our welcome' and Vince is probably 'desperate to get his bedroom back'- I don't think Vin cared but I did think it was time to head home.

It took a further 20 minutes to move from us saying we'd move- then it took us a further 10 minutes to leave the bedroom entirely- so, by the time it hit the half an hour mark we were making our way downstairs- Vince hears us and once we'd entered into the living room he turns to us from where he was sat on the couch.

"You two haven't left my room in a mess have ya? I'll charge you if you have"

Nikki shook his head "Your rooms in prefect condition, Vinnie... so's your bathroom"

"Good, I'll charge you anyway for the accommodation"

"How much do you want?" I scoffed.

"500 bucks should do it" Vince teased standing himself up.

"Remind me never to stay over again if they're the rates you're charging" Mick grumbles.

Vin just laughs in response and pulls me into a hug, letting me go to offer his hand to Nikki "I'm assuming you two are fucking off now, so I'm gonna say goodbye"

"Ya trynna get rid of us quickly or what? Cause you ain't subtle" Nikki smirked taking the mans hand tightly in his own.

"Never" the singer gasps in a over exaggerated manor- Nik nudges him rolling his eyes muttering 'asshole' under his breath.

Mick then stands up and moved so he's next to me "See you then drummer, try not to annoy Sixx to death"

"I won't, I-" I chuckled but then got cut off by Nikki.

"Don't worry bro, I have tactics to ignore him if he gets too irritating- a lot actually- 6 years in, yeah- I'm an expert at this point"

"Hey!" I exclaimed giving the bassist an unimpressed look, he just sticks his tongue out and shot me a wink.

Once Nikki had said goodbye to Mick and I made a few parting jokes with Vince, Nikki and I went to the front door opened it and stepped outside with Nik getting the car keys out his pocket, I took them from him and ran over to the car- Vince stopped Nikki from following on probably giving him some final soppy comments before finally letting him escape back to the car, once Nik got in the car Mick also made his way out of the house, waving at the blonde before moving over to his own car and getting inside.

We watched Mick leave waving at him as he backed out of the drive, he waved at us then disappeared out of sight, Nik held his hand up to Vince as I started up the car, Vince nodded and I began moving backwards out of the driveway soon hitting the road.

The drive was peaceful and quite laid back actually, I put the radio on low letting a song by The Rolling Stones play through the speakers filling the comfortable silence which had fallen over us, the drive from either Vin's or Mick's house was never that long it took ten minutes in a car but you could probably half that if you broke a couple of speed limits.

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now