•𝗠𝘆𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝗼𝗹𝘃𝗲𝗱•

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Tommy's POV

Nikki and I stayed on the floor for about another ten or so minutes, making small idol chat before getting up and making our way leisurely towards Vinnie's bed which was surprisingly rather nicely made, we were about to completely trash it though.

Sorry Vince...

I told Nikki to get in- which he did, we both took out shoes and jackets off but left everything else on- I didn't make my move to get in yet though I closed the curtains in the room and put in Vince's bedside light to illuminate the room- then I just stood in the middle of the bedroom wondering or not if I should ask Vin if we could stay now.

"T? What's wrong?" Nik asks once he notices my lack of movement.

"I'm just thinking whether I should ask Vince if it's okay to stay here tonight... I was thinking about it earlier... are you okay with that? Cause I'm not really in the mood to drive and I don't think you are either"

Nikki thought for a moment then nodded slowly "Yeah... s'fine... ask if we can stay in here, I'm kinda comfortable and we've already kinda made ourselves at home"

I laughed "Yeah, you look cute sitting there actually- but let's hope Vince changes the sheets every day though... you could be lying in Vince's-"

"Okay! No, don't even finish that sentence, I don't want that mental image... " The bassist cringes with a smile on his face.

I smiled back before it fell a bit "Er-... do you... do you want me to tell them?"

Nikki looked confused for a moment but then realization crosses his face "Oh, er-... right, yeah... you can tell them... well, Vince I think already knows... and seems as you and Vince spoke with Mick I'm guessing he has a idea too... it's not gonna shock them really is it?"

"No, you sure you okay with it though?"

"Yeah, when I'd told you I was gonna tell them anyways" Nikki shrugged then nodding towards the door "Go then, be a good boy and ask"

I held up a middle finger at Nikki and gave him a look before doing what I said, turning and heading out the room, the sound of Nik's giggles getting quieter the further away I get- my feet make their way down the stairs.

Where will I find Vince?

My first thought was to check where we were sat earlier, it was a good call because yep, he and Mick hasn't seemed to have moved, once I make my way over both men notice me.

"Ah, Tommy! Sup dude?" Vince beamed.

"Yo, not much... need to chat with ya though"

Vince's eyebrows furrowed slightly nodding still smiling, asking "You find Nikki?"

"Yeah, it's Nikki I need to talk about" I sighed. The two men both stare at me intensely waiting for whatever I had to say next- so I spoke again "He-... well, he told me what happened at the bar last week" I say to the two men not really wanting to beat around any bushes, their our brothers- we can just get straight to the point.

Mick and Vince's smiles drop the second I speak and instantly look concerned and even maybe scared at the answer I'm going too give them "And?" Vince pressed, my eyes moved to the floor which put both men on edge "Tommy?"

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now