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Nikki's POV

It had been two days since I'd finally fucked Tommy again after what felt like forever- I actually don't know what came over me but whatever it was I'm glad it did. I'm not miraculously cured or anything now of my trauma but it was a step I needed to take and a step I don't regret taking.

I'm still nowhere near ready to let Tommy anywhere near me but as long as I can fuck him I don't really care, this has never been about me anyway.

Vince rang yesterday and said he and Mick have been talking and have decided to gate crash our lives later on this afternoon, in about an hour or something... not that much later then.

Tommy asked if we could watch a movie to pass the time and you sure as hell weren't gonna catch me saying no, I picked a random movie from our movie collection and put in on- sitting on the couch next to my boyfriend and enjoying the film- the flick was obviously not going to be finished by the time Vince and Mick got here but on well, they can watch it too.

This film is a film we've all seen before and all enjoyed immensely.

When the guys arrived the film was just getting into the interesting section so it was kind of a bummer to pause it but I couldn't just leave my friends outside for an hour for the film to finish... unfortunately, I- obviously -was the one to get up and let the singer and guitarist into the house, Tom's a lazy fuck.

"Yo, man, how ya doing?" Vince grinned offering me his hand but I just pull him in for a hug "Wasn't expecting a hug... it's a nice hug, yeah... great, thanks" he mumbles awkwardly.

"Hugs heal the soul" I say into the blondes ear stifling laughter.

"What the fuck?" Vince says totally lost "When did you become all wise and cheesy?"

"I'm not wise and I'm not cheesy"

"The first one I actually agree with, the second one is under serious debate" Vince chuckled as he pulled back from me.

"Fuck you, bro"

"Nah, you're alright thanks" he stated winking before making his way to the couch to say hey to Tommy, I rolled my eyes at the comment and hugged Mick.

"Sup, dude, you good?"

"I'm fine bassist, what about you?"

"I'm good. Finally feeling a little better... I forgot how much I missed being me"

Mick smiles softly "If anyone asks I'll deny this... I never thought I'd miss your obnoxious, smartass but I have, nice to see you returning to yourself"

"Awww, Micky- I didn't know you cared so much" I teased.

"Call me Micky again and I'll shove your bass so far up your ass it comes out your nose"

"Why my bass? Why not your guitar?"

Mick pulled a disgusted face "I don't want my precious guitar anywhere near your ass, god knows how many diseases you have"

I gasped in mock offence "Hey, I don't have diseases! Tommy might somewhere but I definitely don't"

"Who are you calling diseased?" Tommy spoke from the couch having heard what I said "I ain't got any diseases, maybe mental diseases but that's about it"

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now