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Nikki's POV

It was a few days later and not much had happened, I had another session with Olivia though yesterday which went well and I filled her in on the gradual integration back into full society. She offered some great advice to me, really- I'm indebted to her, I wanna buy her something like a holiday or another things along those lines as a thank you for dealing with my mentally fucked ass.

In other news, there wasn't a lot I could do with my mental state right now which kinda sucked ass actually, I really wanted to do something but no, I just had to sit being bored out my fucking mind.

Tom had noticed my overwhelming boredom and had a suggestion about shopping- I had no idea what to say to that, a part of me wanted to go out and shop, flaunt some money but I didn't trust myself not to have a breakdown but I was so fucking bored and decided that I'd go but if I feel too uncomfortable when we get there I'd just chill in the car and wait for Tommy to get what he's setting out for, basically, he needed (or shall I say wanted) some more leather pants. The usual.

Literally, we own so much leather it's like a whole ass cow farm in our wardrobe.

This morning I'd cooked breakfast for Tommy, or when I sat cooked I really mean shoved some cereal into a bowl, it was good enough- it was what he'd asked for anyway and because I'm a lazy fucker I just did the same thing for me not being assed to cook anything hot if I didn't have to do it for Tommy.

Cooking actually was one of the only things I could do with my time, if made more food over the last few weeks than in years- I literally have baked so many cakes, I got Tommy to go drop a massive box of cakes off at Vince's place knowing he'd eat it all within a few days.

Vince isn't as bad as Tommy though, T-Bone is always eating so the stuff I do make doesn't seem much time in this world, half the time I hardly get to eat what I've made because Tom's there feasting on it looking like a chipmunk or a squirrel eating and protecting its nuts.

I've definitely gone up a culinary level or two since being pretty much housebound.

Mick had also had his fair share of food from me recently, both him and Vince now ring and ask me to make food for them- it doesn't bother me at all cause I enjoy it, almost as much as I enjoy music. Almost.

Anyway, Tommy and I ate breakfast and then went upstairs to get dressed, neither of us showered today as we had done yesterday and it's not like we were dirty so fuck it.

I just threw on some jeans and a black t-shirt and a leather jacket, not bothering to do my hair today, it was too much effort, Tommy did though and he spent a solid hour doing it so I was literally losing my mind because of how bored I was.

I'd decided about 55 minutes ago that I'd lay on the bed waiting for him, so that's where I was now, staring at him from my place on the bed watching his every move as he sat infront of the vanity table.

"T-Boneeeeee" I whined "Hurry the fuck up man, I'm gonna die"

I saw Tom roll his eyes in the mirror "Don't be dramatic babe, you're fine, I'm almost done anyway"

"Fucking better be" I huffed focusing my eyes onto the ceiling before closing them, not a minute later though I feel something hit me on the upper chest, I open my eyes again and look where an eyeliner pencil is now a centimetre away from falling off my chest "Er-... what was that for?"

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