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Nikki's POV

Half an hour until Tom and I are due to arrive at Vince's party and I was really beginning to regret my choice- it has only just hit me that I'd have to probably talk to strangers or they'd talk to me.

The idea of standing in a crowd right now was honestly terrifying me but I couldn't back out... too many questions would be asked and I had to try and get over my problems.

Right now I was getting changed, picking out a plain black t-shirt, leather pants a studded belt and my favourite leather jacket, once I'd picked that out I put them on and sat myself down at my vanity table and grabbed my eyeliner pencil- opening it and placing it against my eyelid.

"Putting in the effort tonight, huh, Nik?"

I looked towards the bedroom door and nodded "Yeah, may as well... you ready yet?"

Tommy hummed "Yeah... just need a jacket... I forgot it when I came in earlier... do you mind?"

"No... go ahead" I say turning back to the mirror and running the eyeliner along my other eye, soon putting it back on the dressing table watching as Tom put on one of his own leather jackets "You look hot in that" I said before I could even think about it but I wasn't embarrassed by my voiced thought because it was true.

However, usually when I made a comment like that it'd end in a make out session or even sex- they are both completely off the table though but hey, even so I can still admire him.

"As you've said so many times before" Tommy laughs lightly, adjusting the collar of the garment using the mirror on the back of the closet door.

"I say it cause it's true, you're fucking hot"

"Thanks, babe... I'll add that to my ego"

This made me laugh "Hmm, be careful it might get too much to handle"

"I doubt it but thank you for the concern" the drummer smirked while making his way towards the door "I'll wait downstairs, don't take too long, will ya?"

"I'll try not too" I replied as he left the room and jogged his way down the stairs- I grabbed my hairspray bottle and teased my hair, I ended out using the rest of the bottle which wasn't actually that much but it was enough to probably set me alight if someone came near me with a lighter.

Overall I'd spent about 15 minutes with my hair making it as perfect as I could, the only reason I actually gave up after 15 minutes was because Tommy yelled to me that we needed to leave, so I just settled with my current look, got up from the vanity and made my own way downstairs where Tommy was sat on the couch.

The drummer heard me approach and turned the TV off throwing me the car keys, I catch them and walk to the front door where the keys are already in the door "You lock up here while I unlock the car?" I offered pulling open the door.

"Sounds good to me" Tommy agrees, so we both do what we said we would- I swiftly make my way outside to the car and unlock the door- getting in and fastening my seatbelt while placing the keys in the ignition and starting the car- Tommy then joined me having locked the house up, he passed me the keys and I placed them in my jacket pocket before pulling out of the driveway.

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