•𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗢𝗳 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲•

136 11 118

A/N: This is kinda a filler chapter but like still kinda relevant to the plot so, yeah- 😂❤️


Nikki's POV, Early April 1986

11 days... 11 days had now passed and stuff was beginning to make more sense in my head, I was more able to arrange my thoughts.

Yeah, so things were slowly getting slightly more normal, I could sit downstairs with Tommy now for longer than 30 minutes without constantly watching him and having a heart attack every time he moves. It's not drastic but it's a start.

No, I still can't have him in the same bedroom as me, but I'm trying to work on it.

Overall though, my head seems to be getting more comfortable with Tommy again- about fucking time. That's all that's changed though, still have the nightmares and panic attacks over weird ass shit- still scared to leave the house, still scared of the dark.

Anything though is better than how I felt the night it happened.

Tommy had gone out about half an hour ago, leaving me alone in the house, I didn't wanna go so I didn't. We needed food so that's what Tom's out getting, he's pretty useless at shopping but I wrote him out a list and told him to follow it in order so he didn't forget anything but knowing the drummer he'd still forget something.

I was uneventfully watching TV when I hear the doorbell ring, my eyebrows furrowed at the noise- I wasn't expecting anyone to come over.

The back of my mind jumped to another irrational conclusion and thought for a split second it was him. That thought made my heart pick up slightly in pace but the logical part of my brain kicked in making me stand up and head over to the door, I checked who it was through the peephole before I made any move to open the door.

It was Vince.

What did Vince want?

Did I let him in? I kinda have too, otherwise it'd make him probably worry more than he already is- I'm not stupid, I'd figured Tommy had been talking with Vince and Mick about me, they were all concerned which is one of the main reasons I don't want to let him in, another reason is I still don't trust anyone, but as-long as Vin keeps his distance and doesn't give any sudden movements hopefully I shouldn't give myself away.

My hand turned the key in the lock and unlocks the door, pulling it open "Hey?" I asked.

"Hey" The frontman smiles as he meets my eyes "Can I come in?"

"Sure" I mumble opening the door fully standing behind it as the man entered and immediately heads to the couch- my foot kicks the door closed and I head over to the couch also, making sure to sit the complete opposite side of the couch than the singer.

Vince moved his eyes around the house with a confused expression on his face "Where's T-Bone?"

"Out, went to pick up a few things food wise, we're running low on shit... I usually go but-..yeah" But I didn't go because I was raped and don't trust strangers as far as I could throw them.

Vince nods, desperately resisting the urge to ask me what the fuck I was going to say, he dropped it much to my relief- this was actually the first time I'd seen Vince since that night, well, this is going to either go really good or really bad.

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now