•𝗧𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗔𝗹𝗹 𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝘄•

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A/N: Pure fluff cause it's needed and deserved at this point 🤣


Nikki's POV, Late May 1986

It had been about a month since I started therapy with Olivia and I've taken all the advice she had given me and started working through it- I did that thing she said about y'know that thing where she said I should start just walking up and down the street alone and whatnot- yeah, that- well, for the first few times I did it with Tommy but about 5 days in I did it on my own... I may have slightly freaked out but nothing major, every time I did it I panicked less and my confidence grew a little.

At this point I've made it from walking up and down the street to a few days ago going to the gas station alone and filling up my corvette- like I did when I first walked up and down the street on my own I kinda panicked and got outta there as soon as I could but I still did it.

It's going to be a while until I'm 100% comfortable walking around the strip or shopping malls alone, I'm still proud of what I've done though considering I couldn't even really leave the house before- Vince's party was a struggle and look how that ended.

In other news, Tommy is now sleeping back in our bedroom full time, for a couple of weeks after Vin's party it kinda alternated so one night he'd stay with me and another he'd go into the guest bedroom- it's been every night though for a couple of weeks now, I won't sleep naked yet though... but I have Tom back next to me- it definitely feels good... I've only had about 3 nightmares about him in that time, a vast improvement from before and instead of dealing with them alone now- Tommy was always there with his arms open if I wanted or needed any comfort- we never said anything he'd just cuddle me and trace patterns onto my skin kissing me lightly anywhere he could.

Cuddling is a daily occurrence just like it used to be again, Tommy definitely loves it and so do I- I didn't fully realise how much I loved it until it wasn't something I found myself capable of doing. That's all I can manage for now. So, yeah, Cuddling was my limit, there's also now the odd peck on the cheek or chaste kiss to the lips but nothing which will lead anywhere because if it's one thing I'm not at the point of right now it's sex or anything remotely close to sex.

A part of me wanted to have sex with Tommy and by that I mean, I fuck him not the other way round- it's gonna be months until I'm ready to bottom again but I think maybe in a few more weeks I could probably make love to Tommy, he deserves it in all honestly- he's being so fucking patient with me and I love him for that but I also feel really guilty.

I'd just woken up, I had no fucking clue what time it was and I didn't give a shit, I wanted to carry on sleeping but when I figured out why I'd woken up in the first place I couldn't help but smile, I felt Tommy's long unruly hair tickle my neck "What are you doing?" I mumble groggily.

"I'm waking you up in an adorable fashion"

"We have different ideas of adorable" I say swatting the man, not knowing quite where I hit him but when Tommy hissed lightly I found out.

"Fuck you, that was my nose and my eye you complete asshole"

"Shit, sorry babe" I mutter, giggling slightly turning over a little more awake now than I was, Tommy held a hand against his eye and smiled.

"You're lucky I love you, dude"

"I know" I hummed, running a hand through his hair "What time is it?"

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now