•𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗨𝗽•

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Tommy's POV

A few hours passed since I'd found Nikki in the bathroom and I hadn't left the bedroom for a single second, I just lay on top of the duvet and caught a few hours worth of z's- leaving Nikki alone after finding him blacked out didn't sit right with me.

It was about 1:30am by the time I got off and I woke up at 6:30am... so I'd had a good 5 hours which went by in a flash, sleep always passes time way too quickly. It sucks.

I'd woken up not because I particularly wanted too... something in my head sensed something was wrong with Nikki- when I had regained consciousness I immediately became aware of the small noises my boyfriend was producing, he kept muttering things... most of it was inaudible but I made out a couple of things most notably:

"Stop it"

"Let me go"

And most confusingly "I swear, I didn't want it"

I was completely stumped, I had no idea what he meant... he could be dreaming of Deana or one of her boyfriends but that last comment... that last comment is what affected me the most... he didn't want what?

Do I wake him up from what I can gather is a nightmare or do I just let him live it? I'm not sure.

Nikki's not a stranger to nightmares, he used to have them a lot when we first got together, he told me he'd had them for years... he'd never truly been able to escape his past even though he's tried so hard- he hasn't had one though in a long time... at least a year by this point.

Yeah, he's had unpleasant dreams but nothing too traumatic... Nikki has insisted I was the reason he'd stopped having these nightmares, saying that they've slowly but surely got better since we've been involved with one another until they completely left him alone last year.

Ever since we got together though he told me that I've been in every nightmare... not in sinister way... I'm always there to save him, to tell him everything was gonna be alright.

It was a privilege to know I meant so much to him because he meant the world to me.

In the end, I didn't have to wake him, Nik woke up by himself- the second his eyes focussed on me he sat up and frantically looked around the room- I spoke before he could in a hope to calm him down from whatever was distressing him "Hey, hey... Nikki... it's okay"

"T-Tommy?" He asked sounding uncharacteristically timid.

I nodded "Yeah... it's only me... it's okay..." My natural instinct was to hug him but as I went to do so he shuffled away from me with wide eyes, I give him a hurt look similar to the one I gave him last night which makes Nikki realize what he did so he offered me a tiny smile, but it was far from genuine "Nik? What have I done?"

"N-nothing... you've done nothing... I-... I promise" Nikki mutters quietly, his voice shaking "I just... I can't-... please... I know it doesn't make sense... but I can't tell you t-the truth"

The truth? The truth about what?

"Alright... you can't tell me the truth... but can you tell me why you were acting up last night... are you okay?" I wonder softly, sensing the man's unease.

𝗙𝗼𝗿 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗘𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗢𝗻𝗹𝘆 🤍 Where stories live. Discover now