SS: Sleepover

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A/n: My first short story. This one will take place where Kylo is getting released from the hospital after the kidnapping incident when he was a kid.

Kylo's POV:
I just want to say this right now, I hate hospitals. I mean I don't despise them it's just the one thing I hate is needles. Why do they hurt so much and who invented them so I can complain about how many of us kids are hurting because of them. At least I got some candy out of it so I guess it's a win for me. My momma had to keep me calm so I wouldn't hurt any doctors......or me in the process. I already told my mom about Shadow and she accepted him as part of our family now so I won't be alone a little less now. After my final checkup, the doctor said I'm perfectly fine and the bullet wound somehow fully healed itself.

I was then released from the hospital and felt the warm sun and cool breeze that I never thought I'd feel again. Shadow appeared behind me and looked at the various building and cars that were seen and said "What are these strange trees and those weird things on circular rocks?" I looked at him and said "those 'weird trees' are building and these 'things on circular rocks' are called cars". Shadow was fascinated by what he is seeing, he wouldn't stop asking about what's it like living in these strange woods we people called a town.

My momma then got into the car and honked the car horn and said "come on Kylo, I'm sure you don't want me to get the doctor and his needles don't you?" Snapping myself out of my conversation with Shadow and knowing that she was bluffing, we both ran to the car and got buckled up. The car ride would be long so Shadow was asking about the various things that he saw out the window as I answered him. We got home and Shadow was the first at the house door "Shadow" I said gaining his attention "my mom needs to unlocked the door before we can get inside. I'll show you around if you like?" Shadow smiled at me "I'd like that". I petted Shadow as my mom unlocked the door and I was giving Shadow the tour around the house. About 3 minutes in, the last stop was my room. I opened my door so Shadow can look at my room:

"Well, what do you think?" I asked ShadowHe turned to me and said "you have a cool den, this little area is truly all yours?""Actually Shadow it's ours

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"Well, what do you think?" I asked Shadow
He turned to me and said "you have a cool den, this little area is truly all yours?"
"Actually Shadow it's ours. I'm sharing my room with you."
Shadow was overjoyed and pounced on me and started to lick me "Thank you so much, your the best"
I laughed "hey don't forget that you and your pack saved my life, it's the least I can do to pay you guys back."
Shadow continued to lick me as I laughed.

3rd Person POV:
It was 3:00 PM and Alexa's phone rang and answered it.
"Hello you reached Alexa Mochizuki, what can I do for you?" Said Alexa
"Hey Alexa, it's me Inko"
"Oh Inko, what's going on with you?"
"Oh you know, the usual same old same old."
"Yeah, anyways I was thinking: since Kylo just got home from the hospital, I was thinking if Kylo would like to stay the night here with me and Izuku?"
"Why would you asked that Inko?"
Inko went silent for a moment before answering.
"Well, Izuku was worried about Kylo. He was scared that he wouldn't make it and would lose one of his friends, besides Katsuki, Kylo has helped Izuku" Inko then could be heard crying "He's usually happy when Kylo is with him and if Izuku were to see Kylo, it would lighting his mood a little bit."

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