Chapter 5: Do what it takes

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Izuku POV:
I gripped into All Might's pants before he took off. 'Sorry, Kylo I have to ask All Might an important question.' All might notice me, after a bit of struggling he decided to drop me off onto a building. I was shaking that I got there in one piece, "not a very smart move" stated All Might "bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in. Now I'll have to go, see you on the flip side." "Wait, not yet!" I stopped All Might from leaving "hold on for one second" All Might kept on walking. I got to know, I have to know "Is it possible to become a hero even without a quirk?" I said to All Might as he stopped "I'm just a normal kid without any powers, could I ever hope to be someone like you!?" I said with as much determination I had, begging for the answer I want to hear.

3rd Person POV:
Izuku was ranting on about how he wants to be a hero like him, but unbeknown to Izuku is that All Might had smoke covering his whole body. Izuku finished off by looking at All Might to see some strange skinny looking man in front of him as the smoke fades away. Izuku was at a loss for words, he couldn't believe that he was looking at All Might. All Might explain to him that he just flexes as people do at pools to look muscular. After some question, All
Might tell Izuku that he couldn't become a hero without a quirk. Izuku's world feels like it's shattered right in front of him. He walked down the sidewalk.

Kylo POV:
'Dammit' I kept saying this in my head repeatedly as me and Shadow were searching for Izuku. We separated so we can cover more ground and alert each other when we find him. I told Shadow to meet me by the bridge, where Izuku hitched a ride from All Might, to think of our next plan of action.
I was underneath the bridge eating some chips I had in my backpack when something went pass the corner of my eye. I used my quirk to see it was just Shadow traveling through the dark. I never really thought my quirk would be useful in terms of sneaking and/or infiltrations. Shadow reformed out of the darkness and said: "found anything yet?" I shook my head, we both let out a sigh of frustration. I mean how hard is it to spot an overly grown man and a kid who is practically screaming. I think that he did it because out of all the other heroes, All Might might be about to help him out. Shadow looked me in the eyes and layed down beside me. I always carry some raw meat for Shadow when we are alone together. I took out a thing of raw lamb and placed it on the ground for Shadow.
When we were done eating, me and Shadow continue our search until there was this big explosion. 'Shadow' I thought and as if on instinct we know that if this is another villain attack, then Izuku would be there too. Me and Shadow hid in the shade to get to our destination a lot faster.

Izuku POV:
All Might's words were echoing inside my head, as well as the doubts that everyone says about how impossible for me to become a hero without a quirk. I didn't know what to do. That's when I heard the commotion about something happening in the shopping district. Out of pure instinct, I just happened to walked over there to see what's happening.

Kylo POV:
Me and Shadow got there along with some heroes that didn't notice we were close by. We saw that the slime villain that attacked Izuku was now destroying the Tattoin Shopping District.

 We saw that the slime villain that attacked Izuku was now destroying the Tattoin Shopping District

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