Chapter 24: Plus Ultra

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3rd Person POV:
As All Might and a few heroes in training were starring down the villains that attacked the USJ, Shigaraki spoke "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you. You really got us in a huge jam here." Bakugou smirked evilly and explained that Kurogiri uses his mist to hide certain parts of his body so any attempts to attack him wouldn't be effective. The only way to catch him is to aim for his metal cylinder on his neck. Kurogiri tried to move but Bakugou made a small explosion on him and said "don't move;

If you try anything funny, I'll blow your ass so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks

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If you try anything funny, I'll blow your ass so bad that they'll be piecing you back together for weeks."
"Oooh, that doesn't sound very heroic." Kirishima stated.
"They've escaped uninjured and captured my two most strongest men," said Shigaraki analyzing the current situation "kids these days are amazing. They make the League of Villains look like amateurs, can't have that." He then looked at Nomu "Nomu".

As if by reading his mind, Nomu slowly got his upper body out of the warp gate, but in the process, lost an arm and lost his right leg. Everyone was shocked, even Todoroki, that Nomu was still moving even when half of his body was encased in ice. "How is that thing still moving?" asked Izuku "it's all messed up". "Stand back everyone," said All Might making sure all the students don't get too close to Nomu.

Kylo's POV:
As All Might was making sure we don't get close to this thing, my daggers were starting to feel a little hot. I looked at the one in my hand but it went back to normal. 'I hope nothing happens to these, they were a gift from my dad.' I quickly snapped out of my trance as I heard the sound of ice being shattered. I looked to see that brain villain regrow its limbs. "What is this?" asked All Might "I thought you said its power was shock absorption?". "I didn't say that was his only quirk," said the hand guy "he also has super regeneration, Nomu has been modified to take you on even at 100% of your power. He's basically a highly efficient punching bag that hits back."

As Nomu looked at us, I wanted to use my dagger but I put it back in my sheath so I don't want this thing breaking it. "First we need to free our passage of escape," said hand guy.
"He gonna attack Bakugou" said Shadow
"Get him Nomu"

 "He gonna attack Bakugou" said Shadow"Get him Nomu"

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