Chapter 2: Kylo and his companion Part 1

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This is when the kidnapping took place. Also a little heads up, this chapter will consist of 2 or 3 parts to it.

Kylo(Past) POV:

Me and my mom just got home when I was playing with Izuku. I'm very happy, I know I can't show it but I can feel like I have a friend now. Right now it's just me and mom. My dad works overseas but we stay connected. I wanted to tell him about my new friend, but mom said tomorrow is a school night and that I need to go to bed. I put on my favorite black PJs, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed. But before I went to bed, I looked out my window and talked to the moon.
To others, it may seem that I'm crazy since I'm talking to a gigantic space rock, but to me, the moon has always been there for me when I'm at my lowest. I could talk to mom, but I might fear she might over exaggerate when I tell her I'm being picked on. I know my mom knows about it, she's just waiting for me to talk to her about it. I looked at my alarm clock and it reads 9:55 p.m. My bedtime is usually around 10 p.m, but with Izuku around I'm going to need a lot more energy tomorrow. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

All of a sudden I heard the sound of glass breaking. I got up out of bed and crept to my door. When I got to my door I heard footsteps. I activated my quirk to see where they are, there were two grown figures located down the hall from my room, which was the last door. I don't know what to do, these scenarios were blocking my focus away from my quirk. When I lost the ability to use my quirk I started to panic, I heard them outside my door, so I quietly entered my closet and shut the door.
I was kinda nervous if I make the slightest noise not only am I putting myself in danger, but also putting my mom in danger as well, and my mom's quirk won't be as effective at night like mine is. If I don't make a sound, they will still do damage and eventually still put me and mom in harm's way. I don't know what to do.
I heard my door creak as I took in a sharp breath of air. "Is the kid awake?" Asked the first intruder. I creaked my closet door slightly open to see the intruders. The first guy was tall, it's so dark in my room I can even get a really good look at them. "Shhhh" hushed the second intruder "they might hear you, keep it down will ya." The second intruder is the average height man. They were wearing all black so I can only assume that they're here to take some things.
"I think this is the kid we're after" said the second intruder. 'They are here for me?' I thought as I slowly regained my quirk, 'well, I won't let them take me without a fight.' I used my quirk to make a little shadow at the doorway to get either of their attention. After a few seconds, the first intruder saw my little formed shadow at the door and gained the second intruder's attention. When I felt their presence outside of my room I crept out of my closet. I then went to my mom and dad's room, which was across from me. When I was about to turn the handle to my parent's room, I felt a grown arm wrapped around my small frame.
"MOMMY HELP!" I yelled. As soon as I was about to yell again, the intruder put some sort of rag against my nose. I tried my hardest not to breathe it in. 'I'm not gonna lose...I'm not gonna.......I'm.......I'm.............I'm sorry.' I slowly breathe it in and passed out.

Nicole POV:

"MOMMY HELP!" I jolted up from my sleep and looked around my room. "Kylo?" I got up and went to my door. As I opened my door I saw two grown men, one was looking scared while the other one was holding........"KYLO!" I yelled. What did they do to my little boy? I was about to summon my bow and shoot them as I took archery as a hobby but found myself unable to move my arms. I looked at my arms and legs to see them incase in a sticky substance and was forced together. "HA!" Said the first intruder "my goop will keep you there while we escape HA HA HAAA!" The second intruder slapped him and said "quiet loudmouth". As they got to the door, I tried and tried and tried to move from this spot. I need to do something, anything I can use to get my son back, but I heard their car pulled off as I was crying that I lost him. 'No......Kylo, I'm sorry' I cried.

3rd Person POV:

As the two intruders had kidnapped Kylo, they drove a pretty long distance in the outskirts of a thick forest. "Man boss that was a close one huh?" said the first intruder "yeah, no thanks to you ya knucklehead, you could've gotten us caught." At the two approaches a well-lit cabin in the forest.

The two intruders got out of their getaway car and carried Kylo down to the basement

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The two intruders got out of their getaway car and carried Kylo down to the basement. Down in the basement was a boiler, a standard table for interrogations, and hunting equipment. As they walked downstairs they chained up Kylo with quirk-canceling handcuffs. Kylo was starting to regain consciousness and looked at the two intruders. Upon closer inspection, he can tell they are quirk users, just not very good ones. "Well now," said the second intruder "seems that you're alright, thought my friend here used too much of the stuff". He pointed his thumb to the first intruder. He crouched to my level as I stared him right in the eyes. "You sit tight boy, cause you'll make us a lot of cash." He said as he forcefully pushed my head to the side.

Kylo(past) POV:

As the two intruders went up the stairs I tried to break free. I tried for so many hours, I lost track of time. I've never been the one with so many emotions that it comes to. All I know is I'm trapped for who knows how long. That when I heard a whimper, I turned my head to the right to see a pup. 'Seems like I'm not the only one they caught' I thought. I looked at the pup again to see what kind of breed it is, but I can't tell. I crossed my legs and beckoned the little pup to come closer to me. At first, the pup back away growling at me. I said to the pup "it's ok, I won't harm you."
To my response, the little pup slowly came closer to me. I pulled out my hand but the pup growled again. I told it to stay calm as I put my other hand in the air to where the pup can see it. The pup slowly got to my hand and started sniffing it, I've read that when a dog does that it's trying to get your scent. When the pup knows I wasn't a threat to it, it was resting on my lap. I slowly stroke the pup's black fur and said "I hope someone will find us soon." As I slowly drifted to sleep with the pup on my lap.

??? POV:

"I hope someone will find us soon" that was the last words the human spoke before taking his slumber. I slowly prepare for my slumber and said in a tired voice 'I hope so too'.

Welp so far so good, thank you guys so much for reading my little project. I know that my punctuation is terrible and my writing/typing is really REALLY bad. I really appreciate you guys for at least looking at/reading my book. You guys are awesome.

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