Chapter: 22: The Game Resumes

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A/n: I figured out who will confess to whom (no spoilers). Now without further ado, back to the story.

Kylo's POV:
Me and Shadow were shocked that this overgrown whatever-that-is is breaking Mr.Aizawa's bones. Me and Shadow can repair our bones but it takes time to fully heal, but Shadow's hearing is far greater than mines so it's amplified for him. 'Shadow, we gotta do something' I said to Shadow "what can we do, judging by the size of that thing It would take 50 slashes and stabs, and that won't even make it stop for a few seconds." The Nomu cracked another bone in Mr.Aizawa's body causing me and Shadow to shiver. Shadow then continued "the most logical thing to do is find that things weak point." As much as I hated the idea, Shadow was right, if me and Shadow were intervened at the wrong time, the Nomu would grind our bones to dust. We then heard the hand villain speak "you can erase people's powers, that's irritating but not impressive. When faced with true devastating power you might as well be a quirkless child". Mr.Aizawa then looked at Nomu but got his left shoulder blade crushed by its hand with caused Mr.Aizawa to scream in agony. The Nomu lifted Mr.Aizawa's head but then pushed it hard on the floor with no effort.

When I was watching this I felt a presence close by, it seems to be coming from the Shipwreck Zone and it's friendly. I looked at the Shipwreck Zone to see:
The frog girl: Asui
The Short grape guy: Mineta
I still don't want to be seen by him but I know I can't keep avoiding forever, it would break me even worse than the Nomu thing breaking me into tiny pieces. I want to talk to him but I guess it can wait after all the 'The Villains are gonna Kill Us Thing' is over.

3rd Person POV:
Then the Purple mist guy reappeared beside 'Mr.Handjob' and spoke to him "Tomura Shigaraki"
"Kurogiri" said the now identified, Shigaraki to his partner, Kurogiri "did you managed to kill Thirteen?" "The recure hero is out of commotion" he answered "but there were some students I couldn't dispatch and one got outside of the facility." Shigaraki was dumbfounded to hear that and started to scratch his neck like he's having some sort of anxiety attack and started to shake "K-Kurogiri, you...fool, if you won't our warp gate, I'll tear apart every atom in your body" he then stopped

fool, if you won't our warp gate, I'll tear apart every atom in your body" he then stopped

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He then calmed himself down "theirs no way we can win if dozens of Pros shows stop us. It's game over, back to the title screen and I was looking forward to finishing this today. Dammit, Let's go". This made Mineta happy that he touched Asui's breasts........but


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