Chapter 4: Meeting the Symbol of Peace

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3rd person POV:
It has been a few years since Kylo kidnapping and things were almost normal by his standard. The things that are different are that Kylo no longer felt ashamed about his quirk. within the previous months, he and Shadow started developing each other's quirk. As a result, both of you begin to teach each other how to use their respective quirks. The next thing is Izuku, he's been staying close to Kylo which isn't a problem itself, but he still hasn't told him that he has a quirk.

Kylo POV:
It was at the end of class, I was talking to Shadow within my shadow. I don't care about what the teacher was talking about. Then the whole class started to activate their quirks. Sometime later, I walked to the coy pond that was beside our school. Shadow began getting out of my shadow and spoke "Kylo, why do I sence a negative emotion from you?" I looked at Shadow and said "I'm just curious"
"About what?"
"I'm wondering if I do become a hero, what would Izuku think about me. I kept my quirk a secret from him because I feared he would be scared of me." I looked at my hands, sat with my back against the school building, and continued. "But if I do become a hero, Izuku would hate me even more." Shadow sat beside me and licked my cheek, I looked at him confused and Shadow spoke. "Rather he does think so, he is still your friend, he will support you as you do him. Izuku is a great kid and I think if he doesn't have a quirk he'll still think about you as a great friend who has been there for him."
I were about to say something but was interrupted by a splash that came from the coy pond.
"What the?" Me and Shadow got up and walked to the coy pond. Arriving at the pond and found a charred notebook that says 'Hero Analysis for the Future No.13' "that's Izuku's book." Me and Shadow looked up to see that it was thrown out the window. A few minutes, you saw Izuku was walking while muttering something under his breath, Shadow quickly jumped into my shadow. "Hey Izuku, I got your notebook." I handed him his notebook. "Thanks" he muttered softly, that action alone made me worried about him.

Shadow's POV:
While hiding inside Kylo's shadow, we both looked at Izuku confusingly. He hadn't said a single word all day. When we got to the bridge I stopped Kylo. At first, he was confused until I said it has something to do with Izuku then we were beside the entrance underneath the bridge. "I think I know what's bothering Izuku." I knew Kylo was about to say something but I cut him off by saying "it's probably what that 'living firecracker' told him." Kylo went quiet for a moment until we were on the same page. That 'human dynamite' needs to be taught some manners about karma.
To then we both heard a sewer scope came flying off. We both looked under the bridge and see a very muscular man. "Have no fear, you're safe." He stood heroically "now that I'm here that is." I stood shocked "IS-IS-IS THAT!?"

Y/n POV:
"ALL MIGHT!?" I finished Shadow's sentence. I looked to see he was fighting some snot villain. 'Man, Izuku would love this.' The snot villain was about to swung a punch at All Might, but he revved up a punch. "TEXAS SMASH!!" And with one punch, All Might blew the snot villain away. When the snot villain was blown away, Izuku came out from inside the villain "IZUKU!?" Me and Shadow both yelled. I quickly caught Izuku as I placed him in my arms. All Might seemed to have caught the villain in two plastic pop bottles. He walked towards us. "Is your friend OK?" I surged my shoulders, then something came to mind. I grabbed Izuku's Notebook and asked All Might for his autograph, he agreed.

I was sitting there while All Might was repeatedly slapped Izuku's face lightly. After several slaps Izuku regained consciousness, the first thing Izuku saw was his all-time hero, All Might. The look on Izuku's face was the sight that I like to see from him. He took out his notebook for an autograph but he already signed it. All Might look like he was about to take off, I looked at Izuku but he wasn't there. I was so confused, wasn't he here a few seconds ago. Shadow cleared his throat and told me to look up. I looked up to see Izuku holding on tight on All Might's pants.
I jumped up and thought to myself 'dammit Izuku.'

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