Chapter 17: True feelings

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3rd person POV:
Before Kylo was about to leave as well, he was stopped by Izuku "Kylo wait" Izuku said. Kylo turn around to hear what Izuku wanted from him
"Yeah Izuku?" Y/n questioned
Izuku was breaking out in a cold sweat "um...I-I want to t-tell you something
"Ok Izuku, what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
"Well I-I was won-wondering if" Izuku was at a loss for words, he didn't know how to say 'I love you' or 'can I be your boyfriend?' or 'will you go out with me?' Instead, he said this "ca-can we walk home together?" Kylo smirked for a little but then frowned when he heard Shadow sighed. Kylo then looked down, to Izuku it looks like Kylo is thinking about something, but in reality, he's talking to Shadow.

"Um" Izuku stated looking depressed "you don't have to if you don't want to of course". Kylo looked at Izuku, finished talking to Shadow, and smirked "sorry about that. Anyways I'd like to, after all, we haven't hunged out in a while." This made Izuku happy, it's true that they have not been spending time together like when they were kids, so this would be the right time to spend some time together. Kylo walked ahead of Izuku and nudged his head signaling Izuku to 'come on' while also keeping in mind that Izuku is still recovering.

While on their walk to the Midoriya residences, Kylo was telling Izuku some joke to which Izuku smiled, Talking about All Might being a teacher would draw a crowd, but what Izuku really wanted to talk about was Kylo's quirk. Kylo started to answer all of Izuku's questions related to his quirk and answer his 'Shadow Step' quirk in all honesty but not 'Blood Pact', He wants to keep that a secret until later on. While in between the questions, Izuku was still trying to reveal to Kylo his true feelings for him but failed.

When the duo got near the apartment complex where Izuku lives, Izuku turned to Kylo to try to tell him one more time. "Hey, um....Kylo?" Izuku questioned. Kylo turned to Izuku to see his cheeks were pink. "You ok Izuku, your face is all pink and......your sweating." Kylo said with a concerned voice "well Kylo the truth I.....I". Izuku can't say it, if he did, then Bakugou will tease him non-stop about it and make fun of him more, but what's really stopping him was Kylo. He thinks that Kylo would avoid him and never want to see him ever again, just that thought alone just make Izuku feel like if he told him then their current friendship they have will be ruined.

"I......I really do appreciate you being my friend" Izuku said. Kylo was confused by that but decided to go along with it "yeah, I'm glad we met when we were kids, we should spend some more time together more often". Just hear Kylo say that to Izuku made him feel grateful that Kylo was in his life and couldn't imagine his life without him in it. Kylo then looked to the sky to see the moon and said "you know, the moon has always lead me to do the things I do. It's always there to guild me on the right path." Kylo then closed his eyes "and it told me when, I was a kid, that I'll meet someone who feels what's it like being bullied. I guess you can say that the moon guided me to you." Izuku then looked at the moon too and smiled "Yeah" Izuku agreed. His thought was cut short by Kylo leaving "I'll see you in school tomorrow, right Izuku?" Kylo asked. Izuku nods his head "y-yeah of course" Kylo proceed to walk home as the moon slowly rises. When the moon was at its highest and turning red, most of the people in town took notice, some think it's a warning, some think it's some kind of strange quirk that's doing it, and some weren't paying any attention to it.

The Next Morning

Kylo's POV:
I was yawning as I was nearing UA, I got a quick slushie from the convenient store before I left. I was recalling what Alpha told me:


I was not so shocked about what Alpha just told me "so I really can't heal others?" I asked
Alpha just shrugged "I'm afraid so, in order to be healed, one must have the same blood as us. We can't heal others who don't have the power". That really sad, now I won't be able to help Izuku if he gets hurt again. "Why did you asked me that I wonder?"
"Well, I have a friend at school who injures himself whenever he uses his quirk. The original owner of this quirk is a hero that gave it to him." I told Alpha as he listened closely "he gave my friend his quirk cause he feels like he can be a great hero, which I don't disagree with" Alpha cleared his voice "*ahem* so this 'No.1 hero' gave his power to your friend ehh....well, I never thought that was even possible". Alpha then told me to let the one who is healing him keep on doing it and Kylo agreed.

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