Chapter 29: The Sports Festival

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Me and Shadow are done eating our lunch as Alpha got up and stretches from sitting for too long. "So you said you came here to see how we are doing?" I asked Alpha as he nods his head "Correct, I wanted to see where you two were so I tracked you both here and got to this building where I saw Y/n preparing for his lunch" I let out a chuckle "it's the only place where me and Shadow can eat in peace. I was also gonna give him something." Shadow looked at me "What were you gonna give me?" I dug inside my backpack and pulled out a scarf:

" Shadow looked at me "What were you gonna give me?" I dug inside my backpack and pulled out a scarf:

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Shadow tilted his head "What's that?"
"It's a shemagh or a tactical scarf. I ordered them for us as a sign of our friendship and close partnership with each other." Shadow then pounced on me and started to lick me while I laughed as his tongue was ticklish "Your the best". "Ahahahahhhah I know I know" Shadow got off me as I tied the scarf around his neck, not too tightly but not too loose. "How do I look?" Shadow asked Alpha "You look good my son" then Alpha's stomach started to grumble "Please forgive me but do you have any more of that Elk meat, Kylo?" I dug into the backpack and grabbed another thing of Elk meat and gave it to Alpha "I've always got meat whenever I have Shadow with me" "That means you'll always have some in your backpack" Shadow said concluding my statement. "Thank you for your generosity" Alpha said as he is eating the meat.

When Alpha was done with the Elk meat, he said "goodbye" to me and Shadow and left in a red mist that amazed me and Shadow "that was a nice exit" "yeah, I hope we can do that soon". So now we are on our way to our next class.

Time Skip

I was about done finished packing when all of a sudden I looked at the door to see a lot of students in front of class 1-A's door

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I was about done finished packing when all of a sudden I looked at the door to see a lot of students in front of class 1-A's door.

3rd Person POV:

3rd Person POV:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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