Chapter 19: When the villains attack

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Kylo POV:
"The only heroes I see here are Thirteen and Eraserhead. Perplexing, the schedule we received from UA, All Might should be here as well" said the purple misty guy. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover so you can sneak onto campus." Stated Mr.Aizawa. I know I sence that unnerving presence before, one of these villains had to have done it.

"Where is he, I went through all the trouble bring all these 'friends' who were eager to meet him

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"Where is he, I went through all the trouble bring all these 'friends' who were eager to meet him. They want All Might, The symbol of peace" said the guy who appears to have a bit of a hand kink

 They want All Might, The symbol of peace" said the guy who appears to have a bit of a hand kink

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"Maybe if I kill a few kids he'll come to play."
"Hey Kylo, I think this guy is a tad bit obsessed with All Might, I won't be surprised if he got on one knee and ask for his hand in marriage." I just rolled my eyes as I saw Mr.Aizawa jumped into action, he then took out three villains in a few seconds as I was just amazed by how he managed to do it. "You idiots, that's Eraserhead, a pro. He can erase your quirks just by looking at you" stated the villain that sounded like a reptile. I then see a big villain that looks almost similar to The Thing from  The Fantastic Four, except he has four arms and a full face mask. "Cancelation?" he said then ran to him "bet you can't erase a Hedromorphic type like me!" He then tried to hit Mr.Aizawa with an overhead downward punch but Aizawa dodged to the left and proceeded to dodge right and counterattack with a forward punch to the villain's face and send him flying backward and used his scarf to catch him in midair "Yeah, but a villain like you is only dangerous if you can reach me" another villain tried to do a sneak attack but failed as Aizawa yet again ducked and kicked the villain in his face "I've been taking measures to making sure that never happens." Mr.Aizawa then used the captured villain and slammed him into the other villains behind him.

Aizawa then used the captured villain and slammed him into the other villains behind him

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"Now which one of you gutter punk's is next?"

He then proceeded to take down the villains around him left and right. Kylo was watching Aizawa work, it reminded him that Aizawa is basically an assassin and that their movements and movesets are similar and yet so different. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew I would be a liability to Mr.Aizawa, so I was running with my class until......

The purple mist guy pops up right in front of us

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The purple mist guy pops up right in front of us. "There is no escape for you, it's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains I know it's impolite, but we invited ourselves to this haven of justice to say hello." I feel like I'm not going to like what's going to happen next "and besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, The Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath. I believe he was supposed to be here today but I see no sight of him. There must be some sort of change in plans that I could not foresee. Aah well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter, I still have a role to play."

I then see both Bakugou and Kirishima ran head-on with that guy and attacked but didn't do a scratch to him. "You live up to your school's reputation" he continued "but you should be more careful children, otherwise someone might get hurt.

I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades AND YOUR DEATHS!!" He proceeded to cloud our class's vision as I felt the ground below me just have in as I felt falling

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I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades AND YOUR DEATHS!!" He proceeded to cloud our class's vision as I felt the ground below me just have in as I felt falling.

As I fell, I felt my body was getting hotter. As I uncovered my eyes I was laying on the ground there fire everywhere "we must be in the fire zone area" Shadow said as I got up and dusted myself off. 'Yeah.....and-' I looked all around me to see not only fire but also some villains. "He-hey I found one over here!" The villain yells gaining 5 more villains to appear around me. Shadow then came out of behind me and got into attack position. 'Like we practice?' I said to Shadow. He started to growl "Just like we practice" we then proceeded to attack the villains.

'I hope everyone is ok.'

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