Chapter 21: Bioengineered Weapon

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Kylo's POV:
After running into a few more villains inside the fire zone, my right side was dripping with blood from a villain who was being a nuisance. Turns out if I were to slash someone with very high pain tolerances, it will slow them down very little, so I had to make enough slashes on the villain's body just so he would stay put and not move for a while. As I reached the doors to the Fire zone, another villain came out from the flames. Her body was completely covered by rocks and some of them were on fire.

"Ha" laughed the female fire-rock villain "If you think you can pass me kid then think again". I growled and grabbed one of my daggers, for some reason my daggers for some reason, but I had to focus on the villain in front of me. I ran at the villain, the villain made a punch to my right but I ducked underneath and rolled away from her. "What's the matter kid, don't like to rumble with Miss Rubble?" I have no clue on how to weaken her, her body is completely covered in rocks, then I came up with an idea. 'Let's see if this works' I thought
"HERE I COME!" She charged at me with her head charging at me. I put my hands on her shoulders and rolled off her back. "YOU CAN'T DODGE FOREVER KID" she then proceeded to right roundhouse kick but was poorly executed, so I swept her left leg causing her to fall on her butt, then I saw her weak spots: her body is encased in rocks, but her joints were exposed.

So I slashed the back of her left knee and finish it with a left shoulder bash. "Aaahhhhaaa!" she yelled, "you little brat" she then tried to get up but fell right back down on her hands and knees. 'Thank goodness she doesn't have a high pain tolerance' I thought.

I ran to the doors of the Fire zone and kicked them open, I see Shadow outside since I told him to scout at the door in case any other villains were outside. Me and Shadow were trying to sence if any other villains were hiding to ambush us but no one was nearby, but we do sence, Mr.Aizawa, handling his own against a handful of villains "Hmm.....your teacher seems to be handling the situation.....but for how long can he last?"
"I don't know but what I do know is that we need to help him, Come on we can get there fast if we use the shadows"
"Right behind ya"
Me and Shadow disappeared into the shadow world, all that we can say is that in the shadow world, we're much faster when traveling through it and be able to sence nearby presences, if we focus hard enough, then we can pinpoint everyone's exact locations and can also read their movements.

Me and Shadow got near our destination as we jumped back into the physical world. I was crouching through some bushes with Shadow close behind. When we got to the center we couldn't believe what we were seeing: Mr.Aizawa was defeated by some human-bird hybrid on his back, seemingly dislocating his right shoulder.

Aizawa was defeated by some human-bird hybrid on his back, seemingly dislocating his right shoulder

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"What do you think of him Eraserhead?" Asked the hand fetish man "Hmm...He's the bioengineered Anti-Symbol of Peace, but you can call him Nomu."

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