Chapter 20: The Fire Zone

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A/n: This will be a little practice for me since I'm not good at describing fight scenes.

3rd Person POV:
'Just perfect' Kylo thought as the villains surround them. Shadow growled as a villain smirked and said "aww...look at the whittle puppy, trying to protect this brat. ahahahaah" this made both me and Shadow ticked off "THAT'S IT!" yelled Shadow "I'm gonna rip these scumbags heads clean off their shoulders and lick their blood." 'Wait Shadow' Kylo stopped Shadow gaining his attention 'don't you think these villains are acting a bit.....strange?' "Strange? How strange" 'well, wouldn't they be attacking us right now' Shadow looked at the villains to realize that Kylo was right, the villains just surrounded them and just watching them closely. "You are right, I wonder why they aren't attacking?" Kylo was about to answer but one of the villains blew fire at the duo engulfed them in flames. "Ah-ha got you brat. Time to make some toast." As the villain who blew the fire at them, they mysteriously vanished without a trace. "What the-" said the villain as a female villain with horns slapped the villain.

"You idiot," she said, "didn't Shigaraki tell you to not underestimate them because their kids

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"You idiot," she said, "didn't Shigaraki tell you to not underestimate them because their kids." She then looks at the other villains behind her "everyone split up, they couldn't have gotten far." The villains did as she ordered and went into smaller groups and spread up to find Kylo and Shadow.

Kylo's POV:
"Man that was close" I said as I was peeking around the building to see if we were followed "I didn't think that my quirk would be useful at blocking his flames." I looked at his costume to see that parts of his hoodie sleeves are slightly shaded but his hoodie was repairing the damage. I then closed my eyes and sensed that the villains are separating. "Kylo, we need to get back to the others" Shadow said "I don't think that your teacher can hold them off for much longer". "I know, but we can't let these villains get out too. We need to take them out fast." "Right" Shadow nods his head and disappeared into the shadows along with Kylo.

1st villain squad:

1st villain squad:

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"Come on out kid," said the villain with the red and white mask "we won't hurt you

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"Come on out kid," said the villain with the red and white mask "we won't hurt you....much anyways" the villain with the black mask just sighed "why I'm I with you anyway?" I needed to get their attention. I walked casually from beside the building and said "well that depends, is he your friend, brother, or just an extra just to make you feel smart?" This made the second villain mad "I'm nobody's doormat!" He yelled as he made the surrounding flame go towards me. I then whistled and Shadow appeared from behind them and bit the first villain's arm. "Ow, you mutt, get off!" The villain shook his arm violently but Shadow showed no sign of letting go. While the second villain was looking at his partner, I took out my dagger and slashed the guy's thighs and upper calf making him drop to his knees. Shadow let go of the other villain as he felt the same draining energy from him. "There, that should hold you guys down for an hour or two." The two villains tried to get up but their energy was draining way faster with every move they make. "Two down, three to go, come on Shadow." Shadow barked and we then ran away.

"You damn idiot" said the first villain

2nd villain Team:

2nd villain Team:

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Me and Shadow spotted the two just below us

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Me and Shadow spotted the two just below us. The guy was walking ahead with his hands at the back of his head and say "We're wasting our time babe, that kid and his mutt are probably running home and into his mommy's arms." The girl rolled her eyes "Mistress Aina knows he's somewhere within the frames of this place. If she says he's still here then he's still here. It's only a time befo-" Shadow secretly took the woman without the guy knowing. "Before what?" The guy said and turned around to see that she was gone. The guy looked scared but he composes himself "ok babe you got me, you can come out now". The guy kept spinning but stopped when he saw me in front of him. "Gotcha," he said and took in a deep breath "the next time I burn you, you'll stay burnt" and exhaled his flame directly at me but jumped up out of the way. I then took out his dagger and slashed the guy to the right but missed. "Didn't your mommy ever tell you to not run with sharp objects, you might get hurt." He then blew another ball of flame at me but I swiped it away with my dagger and stayed quiet.

The guy was getting angry "if you think your hot stuff kid, then let me show you why they call me 'the Dragon King'." He took a deep breath and blew the biggest fireball at me. I let the fireball hit him as the 'Dragon King' started laughing "no matter how cool you think you are, I'll always turn up the heat". As he was about to walk away, he heard whispering coming from the flames he made:

I came out with my dagger, now on fire, holding it to his side. This made the 'Dragon King' scared and was about to run but Shadow stopped him by tackling him on the ground and biting his face. "No matter how strong my opponent may be, I'm always several steps ahead". And with a slash, the guy was rendered limp as I lounged my dagger into his body. "Never set my friends gift on fire, they worked hard on it." I looked at Shadow.

3rd Person POV:
"Hmhmhmmm, well-done kid, you bested my employees." Said an elegant voice making the duo turn around to see the only person left. Kylo and Shadow got into a fighting stance and she chuckled "sorry kiddie but I have no beef with you, no I'm here to pass on a message". She looked at Kylo daggers and pulled them out of 'Dragon King' and tossed them to Kylo. "Tell Althaia and Artemis that an old friend says 'hi'." And with that, the lady disappeared within the flames. 'What do you think that was all about Shadow?'
"Not sure but right now we need to leave"
"R-Right" and so Kylo and Shadow rushed out of the fire zone and was trying to reach the center where Mr. Aizawa was fighting some villains.

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