Chapter 1- Like Any Other Day

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Writer~San: I'm back lol! After taking a break, here's another story. Years ago, I didn't think I'd wanna continue writing on Wattpad after my first book was completed, but it's been so fun! I was encouraged seeing how everyone loved and reacted to my writing. Hopefully, this book will be just as enjoyable for y'all! So without having to wait any longer, I bring to you... The First Chapter of Write A Note..

(~Narrator POV~)

As the red numbers on the digital alarm clock turned from 6:59 to 7:00 AM, it let out a series of loud, shrill beeping sounds. Y/N groaned, turning over in her soft (f/c) pajamas. She foolishly tried to convince herself that her ears could block out the sound. That plan quickly failed. Not even 10 seconds later and she huffed, abruptly turning towards her nightstand. Y/N stretches out from under the covers and harshly tapped the top of the bedside table with her hand, looking for the obnoxious alarm. She eventually grabs ahold of it and slaps the snooze button. She takes a deep breath, finally getting some relief. Y/N got comfortable, even in this sprawled out position. She started to doze off again.


Until her second alarm for 7:05 AM went off.

(~Your POV~)

"UGGHHHH- FINE! JUST SHUT UP!" I slammed my hand into the snooze button once again and sat up. Sometimes I hate myself for setting that second alarm. I take a deep breath in and rub my fingers through my (h/c) hair.

'Come on.. Time to get up.'

I groggily look around the room. Sunlight is shining through my apartment windows and lighting up the place. It's a nice little place, cozy enough for me while also being affordable.

'Too bad I have to move.'

I stand myself out of bed, walking over to my little bathroom. I brush my teeth first, then head into the shower. It's the most refreshing part of my morning routine. However, this one was different.

As the water ran down my back, I felt frustrated thinking about my conversation with the landlord yesterday. He explained that the property had been bought out by some rich guy. I already know it's the new mayor of the town. Because of this, our apartment building will be demolished within the next 2 weeks. The mayor obviously needed yet another building to hold all his riches and cars, at the expense of evicting the not-as-rich people like me.

My landlord wouldn't even look me in the face as I argued against him. I feel slightly bad now, since he probably had the same reaction from most of my neighbors that morning.

'All he had to do was decline the proposal.'

Mr. Miller, my landlord, is super sweet and cares for everyone that lives here. He's even let me hold off my payments at times where work cut off some of my paychecks. I don't understand why he would let the mayor do this to us.

'Well... Could he have been blackmailed or something? Maybe he had money problems of his own and couldn't keep this place open.'

Done washing up, I turn off the shower and step out, grabbing my robe off it's neat spot on the wall.

'How the heck am I going to find a place and pack all my stuff in one week?'

I sigh, "Just another thing to figure out once I get home." I take a quick look in the mirror and wrap my robe around myself. My (h/l) hair is soaked, flattened against my head.

'I might need to get my hair trimmed, it's looking a little longer.'

I spend a while drying and styling my hair, even did a touch of makeup here and there. Once I'm done with that, I step out of my steam-filled bathroom and go to my closet. Picking out my business suit, I feel the dread rising in my chest already.

I work for a large company, employees are more like numbers to them. Which means I get to sit in a small box and stare at a computer screen or fill out documents all day. Very boring, definitely not how I wanted to waste 6 years of my life.

I started working pretty young! I had friends in the same business and needed some help financially at the time. Fortunately, they all got out of there, starting families or moving to nicer jobs. I'm almost 22 years old now, I should be exploring the world and even starting a family like them, while I still have the energy.

'This job is taking years off my life span.'

This suit is tighter on my curves than I would like, but my supervisor is convinced that it makes me look "professional." There is a line between neat and basically asking for unwanted attention. Yet, I can't argue with her.

I sigh, slipping on my pants, then buttoning and tucking in my shirt. I turn and look at my clock. "Oh my god! It's almost eight?! I'm going to be late!" I hurriedly slip on my shoes and suit. Busting out of my room, I grab an apple off my kitchen counter as I rush out.

(~Sans' POV~)

I calmly take another sip of my blended drink. I normally don't like the taste of coffee, but this cafe's blends are more enjoyable. My table is next to the glass windows in the front. People on the sidewalk and street exchange glances to each other as they walk past and see me. This is a small town, so it's not like they don't remember me coming every day.

'They just don't like that I'm a monster.'

It caught my attention when the two baristas start laughing to each other. The woman, tall with short black hair and blue eyes, is giggling the most. I'm pretty sure her name is Madison Shinpi. Not sure where the last name came from. She looks over to Atlas Nile, the other barista. He's shorter than her by quite a bit, with messy brown hair, freckles, and bright green eyes. I've met them both since I'm a regular here.

Madison teases playfully, writing down notes on orders, "She's late." "Looks like she won't be coming for breakfast." Atlas laughs, cleaning off a small pile of plates.

'Who are they talking about?'

It scared me when a car horn blares. I look back out the window to see a businesswoman RUNNING across the street, causing some traffic. I swear I saw her jump over the hood of someone's car.

'What is she doing?!'

She gets to the sidewalk but continues running. In fact, she rushes to this cafe and almost ripped the glass doors right off the hinges. Her bright (e/c) eyes and (h/l  h/c) hair actually match well with her outfit, which catches my interest a little.

'Neatly planned outfits definitely help people stand out. That, and the fact that she just ran across the street and barged in here like she was being chased by a serial killer.. PFFFF-'

She peeks in, "Hey Madi! Hey Atlas! You guys doing okay?!" Madison smiles wide as she replies, "You just couldn't help sleeping in, could you, Y/N?" "I'm sorryyyy! I was tired!" She whines, running her hands through her hair in an attempt to make it look like she wasn't just running a marathon.

I smile and fight myself not to laugh while watching her. She looks at her phone, "UH- GUYS I GOTTA GO!" "Have fun! We'll see ya later!" Atlas calls out. The woman, I now know her name is Y/N. She goes back to running down further on the sidewalk.

'Well.. she seems fun.. Heh..'

Writer~San: Lol, you might need some water and a chill pill after all that exercise. I hope ya get to work on time. Well... THAT was chapter 1. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to see ya more as this story progresses. (ò_óˇ) Random expression because why not? XD Cya!

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