Chapter 29- First Argument

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Writer~San: OMG 1K VIEWS?! Why didn't I notice that earlier?! Thank you so much! In celebration, I will write an extra chapter today.
(~Your POV + Time Skip The Next Day~)

Sans and Papyrus have been acting like everything's fine all day. Yet, I can't help but feel isolated. They're acting different. The atmosphere is different. I try to get them to talk to me but they shut me out or avoid the subject. Or they'll be talking and then suddenly the conversation goes hushed when I walk into the room.

'Why can't I figure it out? What is going on?'

Oh and one more thing. Sans stopped talking to me. I don't know what I did wrong. He's back to using the notebook.

'I'm back to square one.'

Sans taps me on the shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I flinch and turn to him, seeing Papyrus stopped eating his lunch to worry about me too. Sans holds up his small notebook, flipping to a certain page, "Ya okay?"

'No, not when it's like this. WHY won't you talk to me?! Everything was fine last night and now this?!'

I mumble with a slight growl in my tone, "I need a minute." Standing up from the dining table, I see Papy and Sans giving each other glances.

'I need to get out.'

This morning, Sans explained that he thought it would be best if I didn't leave the house for a while, especially to travel over the border wall. To stay home while they "take care of some things."

I don't know how to feel about it. I still want to visit Madi and he says I shouldn't do that either. Earlier, I recommended that we go visit Grillby's for lunch instead. Sans almost agreed but then stopped himself and hesitantly turned me down.

I step over into the next room, grabbing my favorite jacket off of the nearest couch. Sans teleports next to me, writing, "Where are you going?" "Out." I reply. The best thing he can do is give me this. A moment by myself, where they're not monitoring me.

"Want me to come with you?" "No thank you. I can handle myself, going to the cafe for a bit. I don't need Undyne as an escort either." I say as calmly as possible.

For some odd reason, Sans hired Undyne as a bodyguard for me. Any time the bros aren't going to be home or I have to step out, Undyne is supposedly going to come here without question.

Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with her when I can. It was an absolute pleasure when Undyne brought her friend Alphys here this morning, so I could meet her. Undyne said she could also start bringing Al with her too on some days, so the three of us could watch anime and hang out to pass the time.

'All of it sounds fun... But I don't need a babysitter...'

Sans pulls on my hand, gesturing for me to stay. I firmly pull away from him, "I'll be back in an hour or two." He tries to stop me again, writing, "Kid, what's this about?"

"Why won't you talk to me?" I ask, turning to him with a glare. Sans flinches and steps back. It was silent for a minute before he writes, "Y/N, I already told you. I'm having some issues with my throat-" Before he can write anymore, I growl, "That's not what I'm talking about."

Sans blinks, giving me a blank yet worried look of confusion. It aggravates me that he's going to continue this silly charade as if he doesn't know.

I raise my voice, "I fell in love with you even though you were mute. Your throat can have issues, I understand that and I won't force you to talk through it. I would continue to love you for the rest of my life even if you never spoke another word. You have things that are sensitive topics to talk about, I understand that too. But I cannot accept that you plainly hide things from me. On top of that, you got Papyrus and Undyne to do it too!"

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