Chapter 12- Blyss and Joy

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Writer~San: Hello everybody! Hope your day is going well. Here's the next chapter. (^^)

(~Your POV~)

I panicked, constantly looking at the clock. It hung still on the office wall.

'What do I do?! If I don't leave now, I won't be able to get ready! Ah, screw it-'

It's 11:26 am, I need to go now. I hurriedly zip and grab my purse. I shut my computer down and speedily stood up.

'Go! Now!'

I rushed out into the hall, and anxiously stand next to the elevator. I tap my foot impatiently on the ground, watching everyone else work at their desks. No one seemed to notice but it would only be a matter of time before someone got up and saw me. Time seems to be taking it's good ol' time just to tease me.

'Oh my god! What am I doing?! I never do this!'

The elevator tone dings as the doors slide open. I thought I was all clear until I saw a person inside. Standing inside, is that same cat monster workmate from weeks ago. Her ears flatten against her head as she recognizes me. Venus, of course, has bragged to her about the punishments I've been enduring for standing up to her. This woman and I haven't even spoke since that time in the bathroom.

'It was the right thing to do.'

She turns to the side, her voice soft and fragile, "U-Um.." I'm shaking, awkwardly staring at the ground. She could report me right here, right now. It would get Venus to like and trust her but that gives me a free ticket to a hardcore beating.

'This plan was dumb.'

Unexpectedly, instead of stepping out of the elevator, she steps to the side. She keeps her voice low, "Going down?...... Can we talk?" I nod, relieved, "Yes! Thank you." I hurry into the elevator before the doors close.

I ask her while pressing the button for the first floor, "What's your name? I apologize, I never even asked." "Blyss, It's pretty simple to remember. Bliss with a 'y'." I smirk, "That's cute, unique too." Blyss nods, relaxing a bit more, "I never got the chance to REALLY thank you. I deal with so much at home. I really needed this job. So, thank you for helping me."

"It's okay, no one deserves to be treated like that. I-.. I have a soul of justice.. so.." I trail off, messing with my hands. Blyss' little ears twitch, "That's a great trait to have. People like you can help us. Y'know.. Help monsters, I mean."

'Yeah.. *sigh* I know..'

"Where are you going? It's not like you to sneak out of work so panicked. Did something happen?" She asks worriedly. "Nothing bad. I just made plans with a friend and I definitely don't want to be late."

I grab tightly at my arms, watching the display count down as we passed each floor. Blyss' tail sways to the side, "I can cover your shift for you."

'Hold on, really?!'

I turn to her, surprised, "Y-You don't have to!" "I insist. Y/N, was it?" She smirks and continues, "It's only going to be until you come back. I can handle it." I outstretch my hand out to her, "Thank you.. Thanks so much, I don't even know what to say." Blyss giggles and shakes my hand, "We'll be even. See you later and have fun."

Right at that second, the elevator doors open and I step out into the lobby. Blyss quickly waves to me before the elevator doors close once again.

'Alright- uH! Next step! CLOTHES!'

I take off my uncomfortable heels and run through the lobby. The friendly receptionist noticed me running, as he always does twice a day. He calls out, "Always running Y/N! Where to this time?!" I feel joy rise up in my chest as I scream to him, running through the doors, "MY FIRST DATE! MAYBE!"

I hear the reception staff's loud cheering as I run down the sidewalk. I laugh as I run down the same path. I ran and walked down this path everyday, but this time it was different. No walking home to lay down exhausted and spend all night wondering what I should do with my life, or what paperwork I would have to fill out tomorrow.

I have something to look forward to! Friends, finally something exciting! Even if I have to go back to work in an hour and a half, this feeling of joy and excitement keeps me going. Why is that? I rush into the cafe, out of breath.

Madison tilts her head, standing behind the counter, "Y/N, what are you doing here? You look like you're about to puke your lungs out. Did you finally quit?!" I shake my head, panting, "N-No. I need-.. I need keys..!"

Atlas hands a cup of coffee to a waiting customer. Then, he notices me, "Woah, and I thought you looked dead on Mondays.." Madison smacks him upside the head, "I'll start making you run to work everyday!" Atlas squeals and rubs the back of his head, "Ow, I was only kidding!"

Madison turns her attention back to me, "Y/N why do you need my keys? Did you leave something?" I take another few deep breaths, "Clothes! Hurry!" She comments back, "Y/N, I told you to pack an extra pair of clothes! You need to think about these things when you live in two houses!" I remark, "I DID! But I wasn't prepared for Sans to ask me to go to lunch with him!"

Madison freezes, shocked, "NO! REALLY?!" I nod, blush spreading across my cheeks for sure, "YES!" Her eyes light up and we both scream like excited children. Madi asks, "When?!" "I got a little over an hour?" I tell her. She gets serious and gives Atlas her work apron, "You take over my shift! I'm going out!" Atlas panics, "Madi wait!!! You're not supposed to leave unless it's an emergency!"

Madison grabs her small purse and jumps over the counter in a heartbeat, "Dude! Y/N's got a date and needs clothes! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!"

We both laugh, running out of the cafe and jumping into Madi's truck. She slams her door closed, "How did you get past Venus?" I hold my hands against my mouth, smiling, "I snuck out."

"Go girl!" She playfully slaps my shoulder, laughing. She kicks the music and truck into overdrive, driving out onto the road with very concerning speeds. I tease, hanging onto the safety handle on the ceiling of the truck, "I need you to bring me to the house, but try not to kill us in the process!!!"

Madi glances at me and slows down, smiling, "I would be a real jerk best friend to kill ya before a lunch date, huh?" I smirk and nod, "Yeah.... However, I suppose you would also be a jerk best friend for being the reason I'm late too." She puts her sunglasses over her eyes, tightening her grip on the steering wheel, "Exactly!" We both cheered as we sped off again.

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