Chapter 23- Lunch Visit

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Writer~San: Back with another chapter! We got to over 500 views, which is AMAZING! I have 25 followers too! Hi to each and every one of you and welcome to the club lol. Thank you so much to everyone who are reading and supporting this story. TwT
(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

As I wake up, I take a minute or two to stretch out my arms and spine. My eye felt sore, so much that it hurt to open.

'Skipping work, sleeping in, half blind, what's next? A happy ending would be nice.'

Even though I slept in, I feel so freaking tired still. I think it's because of how stressed I got yesterday.

'What time is it?'

I look around, my phone missing. I call out, "Madi, have you seen my phone?!" It startled me when a familiar deep voice spoke, "Heya kid, want breakfast in bed? Well, it's lunch now, but we don't have to say that."

I whip around to see my smiling skeleton, patiently yet smugly standing in the doorway.


I'm still in pajamas so out of reflex, I panic and pull the bed sheets over me. While squealing, my face turns red, "Sans! You're not supposed to be here!" "I know, but it sounded like you had a pretty rough day yesterday. Madison let me come over to make sure you're doing okay." He replies.

I shriek, not really sure if I'm directing it at him or Madi, "I'm PErFeCtLy FINE!" I can hear her scoff at me all the way from the kitchen as she's messing with dishes.

'This is embarrassing. I'm not some little kid! I had one vulnerable moment and now they think I'm fragile as glass.'

I feel weight shift onto my bed, Sans must've sat down, "Y/N, let me look at ya. Please."

'You're not going to like what you see.'

"Madison already explained the black eye situation, just let me see you." Sans said calmingly, which surprised me.

'When did she tell him? How freaking long has he been here?'

I hesitantly pull the sheets down to reveal my face. I look in his direction but my mind refuses to let me make eye contact with him. There's only silence. This only made me more anxious as the moment dragged on.

I mumble, my voice shaky, "Sans, i-it's a-alright. It'll heal, it doesn't even h-hurt that bad." I glance at him and gasp, his dark eye sockets and blank expression scared me.

He sighs and mutters, "There ya go, lying again."

It felt like a punch to my soul hearing that. I was... I was trying to cover it up like I always have. It's basically a habit now.

I quickly tell him, "I'm sorry..! I don't want you to get mad and-.... I'm sorry." His pupils return and Sans tells me, "Don't be. I heard about what ya did for one of your workmates. That's why your boss gave ya this..?" Sans leans forward and gently traces his fingers down my forehead to my cheek, careful not to touch the sore area itself.

'How does he know that?'

I huff out a slight remark, "Did Madi tell you that too?" Sans tilts his head and arches an eyebrow, "Nah, I heard about that way before I got here. The monster you helped is spreading the story of your kindness and courage across the entire town."

'Blyss?! Oh my gosh-'

I sit up, "She's okay, right?" "Yeah, she found a new place for her and her kits, a few blocks away from Pap and I actually."

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