Chapter 20- Back To Work

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(~Your POV + Time Skip 5 Days Later~)

I rushed out of the shower and brushed my teeth before getting dressed. A lot has happened, but by now, it's just a small bump in my routine.

'I won't let it stop me. Someone needs to pay the bills, whether I like work or not.'

I step out, pulling the sleeves of my suit over my bruised arms. I don't even cringe seeing them anymore, but it would be unprofessional to let them show.

I step across the hall, into Sans' room. Trust me, I KNOW he's not up yet. My suspicion was correct, Sans stretched out across his mattress. He's sleeping. I smirk and walk over, "Hey Lazybones, I'm leaving." Sans' eyes slowly open, his eye sockets dark a moment before the pinpricks he had for eyes appeared.

He's half awake as he turns to me, "Heya kid." "Not that much younger than you." I correct him. He smirks at my reaction.

I grin while sitting on the side of his bed, "Uh.. I'm leaving for work and staying with Madi tonight. You're gonna be okay without me right?" My grin faded as I asked the last part, worry crept up into my voice.

"We'll be alright... Is Paps up?" Sans asked, groggily sitting up. I sighed, "No.. Sans, I'm telling you something is up and you need to talk to him. He doesn't even know about us yet."

Sans gazes down, sighing, "I was waiting for the right time." "That's fine but..... just make sure he's ok. He lost his job, he's trapped here with you, he's stressed-" Sans arches an eyebrow and interrupts, smirking, "What's wrong with being trapped here with me?"

I facepalm, "Not what I meant." I feel Sans' fingers brush against the side of my head as he softly chuckles, "I know."

I take a deep breath and look at him, his now bright, blue eyes staring at me. I lean forward, pressing my forehead against his.

'I really don't want to go.'

Sans had some way of interpreting my emotions, as if he could read me like an open book. He whispers while hugging me close with his other arm, "It's gonna be okay." I nod, feeling my nerves settling down. Sans pets my head, fascinated, "Your hair is so soft." I snort, suppressing immediate laughter, "I took a shower, Bonehead.."

Sans is the first one to make a move, kissing me. It definitely was still a tiny bit unsettling every time, because it reminded me that he sOmEHoW has a tongue. As the days past though, I shoved the feeling away (most times). The kiss lasted a moment before he pulled away, "Love ya.." "Love you too, Sansy." I giggle, teasing him.

He blushed at the pet name. I take a deep breath and stand back up, "Alright.. I'm checking in with Papy and then I'm outta here. Text me, k?"

Sans smiles, "Always." I step out of his room.

'Don't worry, it's only two days. They'll be fine.'

I go further down the hall to the last room, knocking before opening the door. Papyrus was laying on his side on his race car bed, in a daze.

'Did he even sleep?'

I slowly approach, my nervousness coming back, "Pap?" I place my hand on his shoulder and that's when he suddenly "woke up." He gasped and sat upright, freaking out with both his eyes glowing. I stretch my hands out, "Woah, woah! Pap, it's me!"

Papyrus stares at me with staggering breathing before mumbling, "Wowie... I'm sorry human.. You startled me.."

He looks away, seeming conflicted. I sigh, "Sorry, I wanted to say goodbye before I leave." "YOU'RE LEAVING?!" Papyrus suddenly jerked into panic mode.

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