Chapter 6- Car Ride

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Writer~San: Hi! How are you guys doing? Sorry if this chapter is posted a bit later than usual. I had Etsy orders to take care of and all that. Just got back from the post office so let's jump into the next chapter!

(~Your POV + Time Skip Few Days~)

Madison loads the last box into the back of her truck, "GEEZ- you put rocks in here or something?!"

'It's just clothes, sentimental things, and dishes. I sold pretty much everything else.'

I playfully roll my eyes and ignore her, turning to my apartment building.

'Lots of interesting memories here.'

Mr. Miller runs out to meet us, "Y/N! I wanted to thank you for staying here as long as you have... Also, I apologize for doing such a thing to you. I hope that you can find a new home soon."

I smirk, "It was comfortable. You build a new place, you better let me know!" He grins while messing with his sleeves, "Maybe but I don't know. Retiring early wouldn't be so bad either."

I nod, "For how many times you had to fix the leaky air vents and broken windows? Of course you deserve it!" Despite being an older fellow, he worked hard to keep this place running. I'm grateful to him.

Madison jumps out of the bed of her truck, slapping the side, "ALRIGHT! Everything's packed. We don't need to make more runs! LET'S GO!" She heads towards the front to get into the driver's side.

I snicker, "But... I want food." She stops in her tracks, staring in silence for a few seconds, "That's not a bad idea. COME ON Y/N! I WANT SUSHI-" She hops into the truck faster, despite her enormous height. I turn to my landlord, "Welp, she's driving. I have to go before she leaves me here."

He's watching her squirm in the front seat, "I can see that. I'll say my quick farewells then. Good luck." Mr. Miller outstretches his hand to me, we shake hands and I thank him for letting me stay here. He's a bit too formal for hugs.

'It's ok. I know he's crying on the inside, lol.'

I hurry and step back, climbing into the passenger seat of Madi's truck. She's glancing down at her phone, "I ordered pickup. I don't know what your preference is so I ordered a bit of everything." "Anything is fine." I answer while I buckle myself in.

'I'm surprised she could order food so fast. She needs to teach me her ways!'

Madi puts some sunglasses on to protect her eyes from the sun's piercing glare. She's already buckled up, safety first. She automatically switched the shift out of park, looking in her rear view mirror as she backs out of the parking spot.

(~Time Skip~)

Madison was a bit quiet on the way to the restaurant to pick up our food. I don't blame her since she has to focus on driving.

'It's not like she's ignoring me completely.'

As we take another turn, she asks, "So are you nervous?" "About what?" I glance away from my phone. "Y'know? About the whole deal thing you made with the two skeleton brothers. They seem nice, but what you're doing for, well, basically strangers. That's huge."

'Oh, that..'

I nod, "I am nervous. It's going to be a big change but that's exactly what I needed in my life! Excitement, the unknown, right?" Madison smiles, "Yeah, I get it. But if they treat you unfairly in any way, you can always call me and I'll be there in 5 minutes flat. Okay?"

"Madi, I'm sure nothing like that is going to happen. How could any arguments even happen if Sans doesn't talk?" She starts chuckling out of nowhere, "Y/N! He does talk!"

'HE WHAT-?!'

I look at her shocked, "He's talked to you?!" She's smiling, "Well, only once or twice." I grab onto her arm, "What did he say?! What does he sound like?! TELL ME- WAiT! DoN'T TeLL mE!" Madi laughs loudly while I'm at the edge of my seat, seriously conflicted.

She gives me a small glance, "Y/N, calm down. He's only spoken two words to me and even then, my back was turned. For a minute, I convinced myself it was my imagination until he said something again weeks later. I'm sure he doesn't talk for a good reason but he's not completely mute. You may hear his voice sometime if he opens up." My phone buzzes, I glance down, seeing a text from Sans.

"Weren't you supposed to be moving today? I'm sorry, I slept in. Did you need any help?"

I smirk, replying to his text. I tell him that we already finished and I'm heading to get some lunch with Madison.

"Ah, darn. Yeah, Pap tried to wake me up before he went to work this morning. I didn't think you would finish that fast. Maybe I'll catch ya next time. Have fun! :)"

'Cute, he really likes those smiley faces.'

Madison leans over, "Oh my god, you two text each other?" I feel my face heat up. I slap my phone face down in my lap, "Why are you reading my messages!? FOCUS ON THE ROAD!" She snorts while laughing, "I just saw the contact, chill out! You're turning redder than a cherry." I look away from her, more embarrassed as she continues to tease and laugh.

The ride goes awkward quiet. Madison gives in and apologizes, "Hey.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I mean, it's normal to have your roommate's contact. It was just a joke."

I know it was only a joke but I stay quiet anyway. I'm seriously trying to figure my emotions out. Am I embarrassed, mad, or flustered? I can't tell. I look at my reflection in the rear view mirror outside my door. Sure enough, my cheeks and face are bright red.

I look away. "Y/N, are you SURE you don't want to know what his voice sounded like? I can give you a clue~" Madi says sweetly, wanting me to give in. I sigh and turn towards her, "Sure."

We pull into the parking lot of an asian cuisine restaurant. She really likes it here so of course that's where she ordered our food from. Madi pulls into a parking spot and parks the car. She turns towards me, barely able to keep a straight face. It goes silent as we stare at each other.

'What is she planning?'

She takes a deep breath and says in the deepest tone possible, "It was very deep-" She coughs as her voice cracks into a wheeze. We both lose our minds, busting out laughing. Madison couldn't even breath she was laughing so hard. I had tears in my eyes and my stomach started to hurt. It reminded me of our goofball moments back in high school.

'She's still nuttier than a squirrel's lunchbox.'

It took us a while but we finally stopped laughing and tried very hard to keep back the giggles. Madi opens her door, "I'm going get our food. Sit tight, ok?" I nod as she steps out, closing the door and locking the truck behind her.

Writer~San: Cute ;w; at least in my opinion. Everyone has those moments with their best friend or family members so I wanted to include one. Anyway, I wanted to let y'all know that I'm going to be busy tomorrow so the chance of me posting the next chapter is going to be low. Either that or the chapter is going to be posted late in the day or even night. Please be patient. Thanks for understanding! TwT hopefully...

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