Chapter 8- Quick Travels

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(~Your POV + Time Skip~)

'Almost there.'

As I approach the front of Sans and Papyrus' house, I take a deep breath. Work was exhausting so I'm getting here a bit late. The sun is setting behind me.

'It's going to be fine.'

Before I even knocked, Sans opens the door. He was about to walk out when he noticed me and flinched. I wave with a quick smile, "Hi, How are you?"

He hurriedly turns back and runs into the kitchen.

'Um, was this a bad time?'

Sans runs back with his tiny book, perhaps he forgot it on the table. He flips to a page and shows me, "I'm good. You?" "I'm doing okay. Can I come in?" Sans nods and steps to the side. I walk in, immediately noticing the place had been cleaned.

"Wow, and I thought it looked clean before. You didn't have to do that." I turn and Sans is smiling. He writes in his book, "I didn't have to do anything."

'Papyrus did this? That makes sense. Sans doesn't seem like a person to scrub the walls clean.'

I casually ask, "Where's Pap?" "At work. Should be home soon."

I place my backpack down, "He's been doing okay too, right? No problems since all the legal matters were settled?"

Sans shakes his head and jots down something. It took him a minute before he showed it to me, "No problems except for at work. They're still skeptical of him. My bro wouldn't hurt anybody though." "I definitely believe that. I checked his record earlier at work." Sans looks at me with a teasing glare, "You were doing a background check?"

"That's my business Sans." I giggle, then continue, "So were you about to leave just now?" He looks surprised, then looks back towards the door. Sans writes down, "Uh, yeah. My friend Toriel made us a pie. I was going to pick it up."

'Toriel, where have I heard that name?'

I sat there, staring for a while. Sans started to get a bit nervous, sweating a bit. He waves his hand in front of me to get my attention.

'Oh crap-'

I blink, "Sorry, spaced out. Who is that???" "She used to be Queen of the monsters." I snap, my memory correcting itself, "YES! That's it! I knew I saw that name somewhere. The Queen lives here?!" Sans rubs the back of his neck while writing down, "Not really. She lives in the city near Mount Ebott."

Mount Ebott is an hour's drive away from here, quite a distance. The skeleton brother's only have one car and Papyrus no doubt took it to work.

'How is Sans going to get there?'

I ask him, "You taking the bus?" He nervously smiles, "Not allowed to. No license." I put one hand on my hip, "Sans, please don't tell me you're going to walk that entire way through the dark." Sans shakes his head, putting his hands in his jacket pockets. I tilt my head, "You're going to use that teleportation ability?"

He smiles wide and outstretches a hand to me.

'Uh.. I'm coming? Well, why not?'

I grab onto his hand, "Ok?" He pulls me towards the front door. I'm very skeptical but as soon as we walk through the doorway, we're in a COMPLETELY different area. My head feels a bit warped, but I'm shocked. I look around, "Where the heck are we?! Where's the house?!" Sans is watching me, looking so proud of himself.

We're in a wooded area, Mount Ebott towering the trees, even though it's miles away. A clearing with a small cottage is a few feet ahead of us. Smoke is rising from the chimney and the strong smell of baking fills the air.

'Oh.. My.. God! That smells delicious! Who's cooking?!'

I start to fill with excitement, looking around. Due to my demanding job, I haven't traveled outside of town much, explaining why it only takes plants to excite me.

'This is so cute! Like a fairytale almost lol.'

I look down, Sans is looking at our joined hands, glowing blush on his face. In fact, I didn't notice that my grip on his hand had become tighter. "O-Oh crap, sorry!" I squeal, pulling my arm away from his. He quietly glances away and started walking towards the cottage.

'Day 1, already made it weird, great job Y/N.'

I feel a bit mad at myself for keeping him in that position. I got distracted with the scenery and completely forgot. I mess with my hands while running to catch up with him.

There are a few cars besides the house.

'Does a family live here or do they have company over?'

My question was answered once Sans knocked on the door. A blue skinned fish monster with red hair and an eyepatch answers the door, "HEY SANS! You actually showed up!" She's wearing a black tank top with some tight jeans. Sans looks a bit shocked to see her. The monster turns and shouts, "YOUR MAJESTY! THE MUTE BONE NERD IS HERE!"

Sans looks annoyed, most likely at the name calling. A fuzzy goat woman dressed in purple steps forward, "Undyne, please, you do not have to shout."

'That's probably the queen. Fish person is Undyne? Okay.'

Sans waves to her. Toriel smiles, "I suppose you're here to pick up the pie I baked for you. Come on in." He turns to me, that's when both Toriel and Undyne's attention focused on me. Undyne immediately retaliates, her calm mood being replaced with a furious one, "YOU BROUGHT A HUMAN WITH YOU?!"

'Oh boy.. bad idea..'

Writer~San: Wow, so sorry for the late chapter! I got busy restocking my shop and I had a bit of a writer's block for today. Don't worry, I'll still post daily. I just have a problem with being late. Again, sorry! ;~;

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