Chapter 9- An Angry Fish

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Writer~San: Hi ;w; that's it.. *leaves*

(~Your POV~)

I apologize, sitting on Toriel's comfy couch, "I'm sorry. I should've stayed home." "Don't apologize, my child. Undyne only harbors resentment because of how monsters are treated. She has nothing against you personally." Toriel hands me a warm cup of hot cocoa. I accept it and take a sip but I still have that feeling of guilt.

'I should've expected this. Sure Sans, Papyrus, and Toriel don't hate me. But not every monster is going to be happy with me like them.'

Sans and Undyne went talk in a room down the hall. That was earlier, I'm not sure how long it's been since then.

(~Sans' POV~)

Undyne shouts, "Why are you making friends with them?! If we are ever going to send a message to those humans that we want more freedom, you can't be moving in with them!" I sigh and write in my book, "You were friends with Frisk." Undyne pauses and growls as she points a finger in the air, "That was different.. Frisk saved us, the rest of them treat us like dogs that have to be muzzled."

"Y/N is different. She's done a lot for Pap and I, things that your rioting won't fix. Also, not all humans are bad." I write down, trying to reason with her. She runs her hand through her hair, "UGH! You're even more annoying when you don't talk!"

I shrug, trying to stay as chill as possible. Not gonna lie, Undyne can get on my nerves sometimes when she's like this.

She screams, "You lost your license and were forced to move away for a cruel and unjustified reason! WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?!!"

'I don't need to. Even if I did get my license back, my record is still going to affect my life.'

I jot down one word and show it to her, "Papyrus." Undyne stares at the book for a minute, then sighs, "I'm sorry, I don't have the patience like you do. I just-..." She clenches her teeth, "I hate this. We looked forward to living on the surface peacefully. At this point with all the divisions, it would've been better to stay underground."

'I feel your pain, it's definitely unfair.'

With a soul of justice, no doubt it feels like a stab to the heart for her, everyday. I turn to a blank page in my notebook, "Talk to Y/N, she can be your friend too." Undyne grimaces, "We'll see about that."

(~Your POV~)

"So how long have you and Sans known each other?" Toriel asks, taking a bite out of a slice of pie. "2 or 3 weeks? I think.. Seems like forever because we text all the time." Toriel has a gentle smile, "I see. I wanted to thank you for paying attention to him. He really does need someone to talk to."

'I definitely learned that since I met him.'

I'm curious about something, maybe Toriel will know. "Miss Toriel, do you know why Sans doesn't ACTUALLY talk?" She looks to the side, putting her fork on her plate, "Um.. Well.. I do, but it's a hard subject for Sans. I'm positive he wouldn't be pleased with me telling anyone about it."

"Please! I promise I'll keep it to myself!" I raise my voice, pressing my hands together. She looks a bit surprised, then says, "Very well..."

She sets her plate off to the side, "Sans hung out a lot with a human child, her name was Frisk. She stayed with me, and I took the role of being her adoptive mother. I allowed Sans to take her on an evening stroll one day, as they did this on a regular basis. I was at home so I only know of what happened from what Frisk told me. A group of humans found them and were not happy that a human and monster could get along. They began to shout and insult them, but Sans ignored it. It was only until one of them put their hands on Frisk that Sans intervened, defending her."

I noticed that Toriel's hands (or paws?) were starting to shake. She held them firmly against her lap as she continued, "Given a reason to have something against him, the humans attacked Sans. He couldn't even defend himself. Sans knew that if he used his magic on a human, it would get his license taken away. Frisk panicked and somehow managed to get him back to me. He was bedridden, seconds away from being a pile of dust. One of the humans ran back to town and selfishly reported that Sans had attacked them. With no other witnesses and Sans in a coma with major injuries, Frisk wasn't believed when she tried to explain the truth. Sans' M.T.A license was removed and he was taken to a detention center for a few months. Then he was forced to move away from this area once he was released. Poor Papyrus was devastated, worrying about him constantly."

'Oh my god.....'

I'm completely stunned, I can't believe something so horrible was the cause. That's when Toriel answered my question, "He has severe cracks in his neck from that event. It's been years, I'm sure he's healed. He can speak, but I can imagine it's uncomfortable at times." Suddenly, she tears up, "I blame myself. I'm grateful to him for protecting Frisk.. However if I hadn't let them go that night-.." I interrupted her and grab her hand.

'Wow she's soft! Anyway-'

"It's not! You couldn't have known! Sans is still alive and he's doing pretty darn good for having to go through that!" I try to reassure her because all of it is true. Toriel wipes her tears away with her other hand, "Yes he is, that is the important thing.... The past cannot be changed."

'I don't understand, why are all these wonderful monsters getting hurt?! Why can't it just stop?'

"Human!" I flinch when I hear Undyne's thundering voice. I turn around and see both Undyne and Sans standing in the hall.

'They're done talking?'

"Yes?" I mumble, standing up. Undyne walks over to me, her figure is intimidating. I shrink back just a little before forcing myself to stand up straight. "Sans tells me you've been helping him and Papyrus. I wanted to thank you and apologize for my rash behavior."

'This is different from before...'

I look over to Sans, who smiles and shrugs. I glance back to Undyne and say, "I mean, it's no problem." Undyne smiles, her voice loud again, "I see you're friends with the nerd but have you made friends with Papyrus yet?! Him and I are close pals! If you get along with him, I'm positive I can tolerate you!" She laughs and I can see Sans roll his eyes. Although her back is facing him, he holds up his book, "Not a nerd."

I giggle at Sans little pouting moment over there before replying to Undyne, "Yes, I do get along with Papyrus. He's been very nice and welcoming with me." Sans smiles and flips to another page, "My Bro is so cool."

'Why don't you join the conversation?! You're distracting when you're all the way over there.'

I see Toriel is giggling because of Sans too. Out of nowhere, Sans turns to a page of where he drew a whole picture of angry Undyne in a manga style, most likely while she was talking. I lose it, dying laughing. Toriel looks away and holds a hand over her mouth to control her laughter.

Undyne whips around, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sans hurriedly slams his book shut, smiling nervously. I'm about to drop to the floor, laughing my head off, while Undyne gives Sans an intense glare.

Writer~San: =w= Another chapter! We learn a bit more about Sans! Finally! Of course, there are still many things to figure out. What happened that night? Where's Frisk? Why is Writer~San taking so long to write these chapters? All good questions that will hopefully be answered soon! Have a good day (or night depending what time it is)! (^^")

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