Chapter 35- Here's The Plan

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(~Sans' POV~)

Atlas turns to me, furiously scowling, "You're here too." I smile, one of my pupils glowing brightly, "Hey buddy, long time no see. It's been a while. It would be nice for us chat and catch up..."

I snap my fingers, turning his soul blue. Atlas gets startled, "What the-" "Let's take it outside." I growl. With a swift outwards motion of my hand, he gets sent flying through the wall and into the yard.

I inform Undyne, "The guy's got determination, I'd rather you let me handle this one." "What?! ONE PUNCH AND YOU'RE DEAD!" She's just mad that I'm shutting her out of the party.

I reply with a dark and empty tone, "What? Can't I thank the guy for what he did to my neck?" Undyne and I stare at each other for a while.

'I'm not backing down.'

She sighs and looks away, "Fine... But if you can't handle it quickly I'm coming out there, you hear me?!" Papyrus shouts, rushing across the room, "MISS Y/N!!!"

'Please tell me she wasn't shot.'

I run over with Papyrus. We only have a few moments of calm time before that guy gets up again. Y/N is barely conscious, laying on the floor. I shocked Atlas enough that he lost the concentration on his magic. His magic weapon, chains, whatever they were, vanished.

Once again, Papyrus is the first to reach Y/N. He's afraid to touch her, immediately sitting down by her side. "Y/N, take deep breaths!" He shouts, trying to reach through to her.

Quickly checking, there's no sign of a gunshot wound, only severe red marks and scrapes on her skin from the chains. I bend down, gently placing a hand on her head, "Hang in there."

"Pap.. take care of Y/N for a second, okay?" I mumble. Papyrus turns to me, full of worry, but nods, "Brother, please be careful. He's hurt you before..." "It won't happen again, bro."

I look to the right, finding where the bullet ended up. Madison is strapped to a chair in a small open closet. The area of her shirt between her shoulder and collarbone is turning red with blood. She's still conscious, groaning, "DanG iT Sans. You're cutting it close. I mean, it would've been so much better if you had shown up before I got shot."

Madison takes a sharp breath through her clenched teeth, most likely because of another wave of pain from the wound. "Sorry about that. Are you going to be okay for a few more minutes?" I respond, upset that she got involved in the first place. "HA- I see you're quick to underestimate a soul of perseverance."

'Heh.. I guess she's okay then."

My magic stirs up in my soul, preparing for a fight. "Undyne! Your job is in the closet." I command before teleporting outside.

(~Your POV~)

"Y/N, you've got to breathe! Come on! Don't give up on us now!" I hear Papyrus' voice in the dark. It's muffled but understandable.

'They're here.... Sans is so gonna kill me after this..'

"I'm up.." I weakly reply. My breathing is definitely unsteady with my throat hurting, but I'm slowly waking up. Undyne shouts a few feet away, "WHA- SANS! UGHH CRAP!" Madison tries to joke with Undyne, her voice quiet, "You're right. I definitely do look like crap on Mondays... heh.."

Papyrus slowly wraps his arms around me, helping me to sit up, "You don't have to worry! We're here to rescue you!" I hug him very tight, taking much-needed deep breaths. Papyrus is very comforting to me despite the situation. Actually, Papy is comforting despite ANY situation.

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