Chapter 22- Acceptance

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Writer~San: ( ・∇・) I'm doing good, thanks for sorta asking even if you didn't lol. Holding my gecko because he's my baby! =w= Anyway, next chapter- let's go!
(~Your POV~)

[What happened?]

Sans asked firmly through the phone. He kept asking over and over despite my best efforts to convince him I was fine.

[Put Madison on the phone.]

I scoff, "Why? You don't even talk to her!"

[If you won't tell me what's wrong, then she will.]

'Are you kidding me?'

I press my hand against the side of my head, "Sans, I'm not going to repeat myself again. Everything is fine."

[You would have no problem with video chatting me then. Papyrus would love to say hi.]

I freeze.

'He's got me cornered.'

"I can't-"

[Why not? Tell me.]

"I'm not in the mood, okay?"

[... fine.. I have one more thing to say to you.]

I stay quiet, anger building enough that I just don't want to answer him.

'Why can't I have one break? One break where I don't have someone screaming or worrying over me?'

[I care about ya a lot, Y/N. I understand you may not want to talk about it but it would be better if you told me right now. Then I'll have all night to calm down and think on it... OR, you're going to have to deal with me freaking out tomorrow when I find out myself.]

I feel my emotions boiling up. My breathing starts to stagger and the tears start to fall. I want to tell him, I need to tell him.

'So why is it so hard? I told him it would be fine. I told him I was okay.'


I whine, so low that part of me hoped he wouldn't hear, "It hUrtS sO muCH.."

[... Tell me what hurts.]

I grab at my chest, a throbbing pain rising from it.

[Y/N, talk to me.]

"My soul." I strain to speak. My panic starts to escalate at a rapid pace as I bend over, burying my face into my blanket. My head, my body, my soul, it hurts so much.

(~Sans' POV~)

I'm already out of bed, slipping my jacket on. I tell her, "Y/N, I need to make sure you're okay. Is Madison nearby? Can she help you?"

[S-She's in the kitchen....]

"Kid, stay calm. Try to get her attention. Can you move?"


"Y/N how bad is this? What are you not telling me?" I ask, pacing out of my room.

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