Chapter 19- Sweet Feelings

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Writer~San: Hello! I know I've been a bit quiet lately. However, we're close to getting 400 views so I really wanted to say thank you! I've been a bit nervous, obviously my first book "My Little Mutt" has gotten A LOT of attention the past few years (about to hit 6k views actually *celebrate*). To be honest, I was scared that people would expect this book to be as great as that one or hate it just because it isn't. Came close to just quitting, but it's clear that some people actually like this story and I'm happy to continue it! (^^) Anyway, that's enough talking out of me so enjoy the next chapter!

(~Your POV~)

I joke around, blushing and laughing, "Oh my god, you can't be serious! My smile isn't that great." "Says who?" Sans smirks. I shout, "Says me!" I laugh harder, feeling so embarrassed, yet filled with this warm feeling at the same time. For the past few days, that's how I always feel when I'm around him.

'We either have a really great time or I make a huge mess out of things.'

"I think your smile is precious." Sans writes confidently. I give him a spatula with a scoop of icing on top, "Ok Mr.Optimist, how about you actually focus on your task rather than my face?" I tease him, which throws him into complete fluster mode. He pulls his hood over his head, that's his classic embarrassment move.

I scoff playfully and prepare another spatula for myself. I spread a nice layer of vanilla icing over the top, "Y'know, if we're going to play the compliment game... I like your smile too, it's comforting." I mutter, getting a little embarrassed myself.

From the side of my vision, I can see Sans start to open up again. I smirk at him, "I don't know how long I can stay here for, but it was really nice. You and Papyrus have been so good to me over the past few weeks and I'm grateful for that. An opportunity for something different."

It's been nearly a month since I met Sans and Papyrus. Already, Papyrus feels like a younger brother to me.... And Sans....

I brush my bangs out of my face and laugh, "Sorry, I forgot to apologize for ruining our lunch date." "Ya didn't ruin it, you were only scared." It took me a second to realize something.

'I said date and he didn't even deny it. Was it seriously a date?!'

Sans starts working on putting icing along the sides of the cake while I'm sitting there, flabbergasted.

'He seriously meant it? No Y/N, you're overthinking it here. Remember what Madi said, friends can have lunch dates too. Don't overthink it!'

I flinch when Sans flicks some icing onto my face. He lets out a low chuckle, "Gotcha." I whine, "Oh come on Sans. We need that for the cake." I grab some paper towels and wipe off my face. I lick my lips and taste the sweet flavor of the icing. I say excitedly, "Oh mY gOsh, that tastes so good. I can't remember the last time I had cake."

"Do you want me to put the cake in the freezer?" I tilt my head, reading Sans' odd question, "No? Why would we need to do that?" "Well you said you wanted me to help you ice it." Sans has a cheesy grin. I cringe, shuddering, "That was bad." "Really? I guess you're feeling a bit more crumby today."

'Oh lord, here we go. Lol'

"Hey Y/N, How do you know when you're too old to have birthday cake?" I smile and shrug, "When?" Sans waits a moment for suspense but can't hold himself back from cracking up, "When you're so old that the candles cost more than the cake."

I bust out laughing, "SANS! That is so wrong!" He starts wheezing, bent over while grabbing at his stomach.

(~Time Skip~)

We covered over the entire cake and threw on some extra confetti sprinkles because YES. I peek from the doorway, "Hey Pap! You ready for a slice of cake?" Papyrus looks wore out, stretched across the couch. Something tells me he's not even paying attention to the movie anymore even though he's staring at the tv screen. I feel a slight sense of worry when he doesn't answer me. I call him again, raising my voice, "Papyrus?"

Thankfully, he noticed this time and glances over at me. I repeat myself, "You want a slice of cake?" "Oh.. it's done?" Papyrus asks confused.

'Something's up.'

Pap continues, sitting up, "Thank you for the offer but I think I'm going to bed. I'm not feeling well." "Oh ok, goodnight." I mumble, watching him go down the hall and into his room.

I sigh a quick breath and go back over to Sans, who's made himself pretty comfortable sitting on the counter. He's enjoying a nice slice of cake while looking through his large conversation book.

'How he got that from across the house? Teleporting I guess.'

I peek and see Sans is looking at all our conversations over this past month. Most of the time we texted but when we met up, we always wrote down A BUNCH of things. I could say that Sans knows pretty much everything about me. I've learned quite a bit about him too.

'We've filled almost half the book already.'

I look up to see Sans staring at me. "PFF- What?" I ask, my face heating up. He blushes and looks away.

I notice that I might have gotten a bit too close. I'm basically standing in front of him while he's sitting on the counter which is making him a bit awkward. My anxiety kicks in and I step back, "Sorry, I d-didn't mean-!" I cut myself off and look away.

'How many freaking times am I gonna end up doing this?! I make everything so weird!'

"Y/N, can I ask you something?"

'??? What now?'

I turn to Sans and he sighs, "How did you know I was arrested? You said you'd explain it to me when you got back."

'Oh crud...'

I forgot about that. However, it was kind of a phrase I said because I was caught up in the moment.

'I can't tell him it was Toriel. It could ruin the trust he has for her and I promised her I wouldn't say...'

"When I did that 'background check' on Papyrus a while ago, I peeked into your file too." I lie, giving him a lopsided, apologetic smirk.

Sans puts his plate of cake down beside him, his cheerful mood dropping. I unconsciously step towards him, "Sans, I know you're a good person! Whatever happened, I don't care. If you ever want to tell me about it, then I'm here when you're ready. But my view of you has never changed even after seeing your record."

"And what do you view me as?"

My brain goes blank, I stutter, "U-Um.. I.." I glance down with my face turning red, I'm sure of it. I mumble, anxious that I may say the wrong things, "I really like you. You're an amazing person and an amazing brother to Pap and-.." My words are cut short when Sans shifts himself forward on the edge of the countertop. He grabs my arm and gently but quickly pulls me towards him.

My mind absolutely lost it when he pressed his lips against mine. So many thoughts and feelings were racing through my head. Sure as heck my heart might flat-out jump out of my chest.

Yet, something was magnetic about it, his emotions starting to tie in with mine. I closed my eyes and didn't pull away. I just couldn't, my body didn't want to. Instead, I enjoyed the moment by wrapping my arms around him, pulling Sans closer to me. I could feel his fingers softly tracing through my hair.

I honestly can't believe it, I'm in love with a skeleton.

Writer~San: AHHH! ThEre YoU Go! XD First kiss officially, I promise I didn't put anything in the cake! (ω) *maybe slightly guilty* ANYWAY, I hope you have a good rest of your day and enjoy the many chapters to come!

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