~Bonus Episode!~

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Writer~San: *gasp* An extra chapter?!- Yes, just like every single one of my books is getting. Lol XD Though I don't how much it'll really matter for this one since Write A Note is getting a sequel soon anyway~ Enough waiting! Thank you so much for 500 Followers!
(~Your POV~)
[-After Book Ending-]

I casually check through my social media and app notifications on my phone, not that I followed many people except Sans' family. Still, it's something I can do for about fifteen to thirty minutes after waking up. It's kind of routine by this point.

Sans' form nuzzles further into my back, his firm embrace keeping me trapped to the bed. I sigh and mumble, "You'll have to get up someday, Lazybones, or Papy will kick us both out." His deep voice echos through a soft chuckle, "I don't see you trying to get up either, kid." "Not that much younger than you." I retort with a huff.

Suddenly, the door busted open and hit the wall with a loud bam. Sans threw himself back so fast that the poor skeleton hit the floor with a thud as equally loud as the door. I sat straight up, divided as to where I should look first (Sans or the intruder).

Undyne is standing proud and tall in the doorway. Honestly, I should've saw it coming sooner. Undyne's the only one in this household to nearly take down the whole wall so casually. Though, Papyrus has cultivated an unhealthy habit of jumping out of windows. It's a pain in the back to keep practically rebuilding the house.

"GOOD MORNING, MR. AND MRS. NERDS!!!" Undyne shouts. However, I find it very odd that she's facing the wrong direction. Her back is facing us. I clear my throat and soon respond with confusion, "Good morning?" Sans groans in agitation, too sluggish to move himself from the floor.

Undyne stomps impatiently, "NgAHH! We NeeD tO TALk so ArE yoU tWo wEAriNG cLotHes oR noT?!" "


I didn't need a mirror to feel my face turning ten shades redder. "Undyne, our wedding was just two days ago!" I shriek. "Why's that matter? That's gives lovebirds plenty of time to-" "UNDYNE!" Sans yells, his eye sockets dark and his face turning a new tone of blue.

"Alright, alright! I'll stay outta your business! Geez- Can I turn around now?" Sans slaps his hand over his now flustered face. He'd be rolling his eyes if his eye sockets weren't blank right now. I can just tell. "Yes, you can." I respond, setting my phone aside and nervously fixing up my pajamas to look more presentable.

Undyne turns around, facing us both with a wide smile, "Papyrus and I have decided that you two are getting your honeymoon! NO QUESTIONS ASKED!" Sans stands and brushes himself off, arching an eyebrow with a slightly annoyed glare. "What if I refuse?" This morning definitely hasn't started out well for Sans, so I can partially understand his behavior.

He really doesn't appreciate Undyne's recent routine of random morning visits and literally scaring the soul out of him. It's been like this since all of us moved in together, actually. I was able to get used to Undyne's gestures. Sans, who's slightly paranoid because he also deals with nightmares? Well, he doesn't like her so much. There's some other frictions between the two of them, but they can usually settle it on their own.

"It's family bonding, Sans! Something that you seem to avOid." Undyne replied with a competing glare.

'Wait-.. no.. we can't.. Can we? Has she seriously found a place that will accept it?'

The reason we decided to stay here instead of going to a honeymoon vacation after our wedding is simple. The world is divided right now, even chaotic in some areas. Monsters are very poorly treated, and so are the humans that help them. For us to show up to any given place whether it be a restaurant or hotel, and as a married couple... Our blissful honeymoon could most likely turn sour.

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