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On Saturday, Luna woke up to find that all her dorm mates were already awake. It was a surprise to her as they liked to sleep in on weekends.

" Why are you guys up so early today? " Luna asked getting up.

" We're going to Hogsmeade today to shop for the ball! " Marlene exclaimed enthusiastically.

Luna groaned. She hated dancing, shopping and doing girly things. Basically she was a bit of a tomboy.

" Come on Luna get up. We are going together today, the seven of us, " Emmeline exclaimed. " No boys, just us girls."

After finishing breakfast the six girls got into a carriage which took them to Hogsmeade.

"Hey look guys." Marlene whispered. " There are aurors near all the shops."

" They're probably looking out for Death Eaters," Luna whispered.

Lily nodded grimly.

First, they went to Gladrags Wizardwear to get their dresses for the ball.

As they entered the shop they looked at the dresses in awe.

" It's going to be hard," Emmeline said. "Choosing a dress."

The others nodded.

In the shop there were loads of dresses. They were in all sorts of colors. Red, blue, black, green, pink, white, yellow, purple, etc.

The girls soon began browsing.

" Hey, " called Amelia, holding up a light pink dress "look Alice, I think this will look good on you."

Alice tried it on.

" Hmm.. I think the color is nice but you should choose a different design of your choice," Amelia said.

Alice looked through all the pink dresses before holding up another dress.

" Do you think this will look good?" he asked.

" It's brilliant! " Marlene exclaimed. " you should try it on."

Once again Alice tried the dress on and came out.

"Wow..!" The girls gasped staring at.

" You look gorgeous. I bet Frank will love it." Luna said.

Alice blushed. " Thanks guys."

Now, as Alice had made a final choice of her dress she helped the others find one.

" Hey Luna, look!" Alice exclaimed. " I think this will look amazing on you."

Luna looked at the dress. It was a sky blue shade and indeed it looked beautiful.

" I'll try it on," Luna replied taking the dress from her.

Once she was done, she stepped out.

" It looks wonderful! " Alice exclaimed looking at .

Marlene peeped out of the bunch of dresses she was carrying to the changing room, "yes, it does!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks!" Luna said.

"Do you think this'll look good one me? " Marlene asked holding up a red dress.

"I don't know, maybe." Lily said looking at the dress.

Marlene went to try the dress.

"Well?" she asked coming out.

"Hmm.. I don't think so," Amelia said. "Here, try this one." She held up a dress.

"Wow!" Emmeline said. "I think it'll look amazing."

As Marlene went to try the dress on Mary held up a dress.

"Hey, look Lily!" she said, "this will look good on you." She held up a green dress.

"Yeah!" Alice exclaimed staring at the dress, "you'll look splendid."

" I'll try it on," Lily replied and went inside as came out.

" You look beautiful Marlene," Mary said smiling at her.

" Thanks!"

"Here Mary," Alice said holding up a peach colored dress. "You'll look beautiful in this."

Lily came out wearing the dress. "I think it looks nice," she said. "What do you think?"

" It's gorgeous." Luna replied.

Mary then went inside to try the peach colored dress on.

"Hey look!" Amelia and Emmeline exclaimed together.

They stared at each other.

"Here," Amelia said holding up a red dress, "this might look great on you."

" And this will look great on you," Emmeline said holding up a yellow dress.

The girls stared at as she came out. She look amazing.

"Wow..!" Luna said. "You look amazing Mary!"

Mary went red. "Thanks!"

Amelia went into the changing room to try her dress on while the others who had already got their dresses got into the big line that was near the counter.

As came out Emmeline said,

" wow! I told you it would look great on you."

"Thanks! Now you try the red dress." Amelia said " I think the color will look nice on you but I don't know about the design..."

Emmeline tried the dress on but choose another red dress as it's design didn't look nice.

" Nice!" Amelia exclaimed. " You look gorgeous."

Emmeline blushed, "thanks!"

Once the girls had paid for their dresses they went to the Three Broomsticks to get butterbeer then to Honeydukes and then went to the castle.

(A/N: Sorry if this chapter was boring, I'm not good at describing dresses or choosing them...)

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now