Regulus Black

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Regulus Black knew what surprises were. After all, his life was full of them, the first one had been Sirius turning out to be a rebel, then him being sorted into Gryffindor, his parents making him hate his own brother, then making him get the Dark Mark and then finally Sirius running away from home.

Regulus wished he was as brave as Sirius. He wished he had run away with him. But of course he didn't, that was the reason he wasn't sorted into Gryffindor; he wasn't brave enough.

However, what surprised him the most was something he had heard yesterday when he had been eavesdropping on Luna and Snape's conversation. He couldn't believe it, but after what he had heard it all pointed to the fact that Luna Parker is from the future and that she might be a relative of Lily Evans.

But, he thought to himself, that isn't possible. It isn't even possible to travel one year into the future, let alone more than that. He decided that he would confront Snape about it.

Another doubt he had was that why would Luna trust Snape when her friends had probably already told her to stay away from the Slytherins.

Unfortunately, that day he didn't get a chance to talk to him as the whole day the other three, Rosier, Mulciber and Avery had been boasting about how together they had injured a sixth year girl yesterday at Hogsmeade.

The next day however, when he woke up earlier than usual, he saw that Snape was already awake, sitting in the common room and scribbling something in his potions book.

" Snape," he said.

Snape looked up from his textbook.

" I just wanted to ask you about something I heard yesterday. "

" And what might that be? " Snape asked.

" Well, I heard you talking to that new girl, " he began.

But just as he was about to say more, Snape froze, narrowing his eyes at him.

" And how much exactly did you hear? " He asked coldly.

" Everything, " Regulus replied promptly. " So, anyway, I had a few questions. First, is Luna really from the future? Second, why does she trust you? And third, why haven't you told the Dark Lord that she is from the future? If she is, that is. "

" The first question is not for me to answer. As for the second one, I don't know the answer to that and as for the third one, I don't plan to tell him and neither should you." He said standing up and then taking out his wand he said, " now, unfortunately I will have to obliviate you. "

" Hey, wait! " Regulus said scrambling back. " I'm not telling anyone, I swear. "

" And if you do? " Snape prompted. " But I should first ask Luna if she trusts you. " he said thoughtfully.

The next however when they had their Potions class Snape was unable to talk to Luna without being seen. So, after class he excused himself from the others and hurried after her.

" Luna, " he hissed quietly from where he was hinding in the narrow corridor as he always did.

Luna turned around and then excused herself from her two Gryffindor friends, pretending that she had left her textbook in class. Then looking if the coast was clear, she too slipped into the dark and narrow corridor.

" What? " she asked as quietly as possible.

" I, er... Well, you know when we talked in Hogsmeade day before yesterday? " he asked.

Luna nodded.

" Well, you know Regulus Black? He was eavesdropping on our conversation. So, do you want me to obliviate him or not? "

Luna looked thoughtful, " no, there's no need to obliviate him, I trust him, " she said finally.

" And, " Snape said thinking about Regulus' second question, " why do you trust me?"

" That, " she said grinning mischievously, " is a question for another time. "

With that she waved goodbye to him and went to join her friends.

(A/N: Please tell me if anyone has any good suggestions for this story! Btw I hope you liked this chapter.)

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