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The rest of the week before school started, Luna wandered around Diagon Alley and read her school books in the evening. She had also made up a cover story in case anyone asked. Then on first September, she checked if she had everything packed, took the Knight bus which dropped her off near the train station and then ran through the barrier between Platform 9 and 10. She saw the beautiful, scarlet Hogwarts Express, which hadn't changed either.

She sat down in an empty compartment when suddenly the door opened and four boys came inside, she had a suspicion that these were the marauders, and she was right.

" Do you mind if we sit here?" asked one of the boys smiling at her, he had scars on his face and warm, chocolate brown eyes.

" Not at all" she said.

The four boys sat down and introduced themselves.

" I'm Remus Lupin," said the boy with brown eyes.

" P-peter Pettigrew," said a blonde boy with black eyes.

" James Potter," said a boy with messy, black hair; hazel eyes and round glasses grinning at her arrogantly.

She shook hands with the three of them, with the exception of Peter who had started eating. She then turned to the fourth boy, he had black hair which reached his shoulder and grey eyes.

" Sirius Black at your service," he said giving her a charming smile.

She narrowed her eyes as he kissed her hand as she extended it to shake his hand. 

"  Luna Parker," she said smiling at them.

" Are you new here?" asked Remus.

" Yes,  transfer student, sixth year," she said.

"  What house do you want to be in" asked James.

" I have already been sorted into Gryffindor, though I wouldn't have minded if I was sorted into any other house." she said.

" Even Slytherin?" asked James looking disgusted.

"Yeah, why what's wrong with Slytherin?" she asked.

" They are all evil, going to become Death Eaters once they graduate from Hogwarts," said Sirius darkly. " Do you still don't mind if you might have gotten in Slytherin?"

" No why would I? Their abilities are being cunning, determined and ambitious aren't they?" she said.

" Well yes, but they are all  evil," said James.

"We've all got both dark and light inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." said Luna, " I've heard about your family James, but your mother was a Slytherin wasn't she? But still she didn't join Voldemort."

They all flinched as she said Voldemort's name.

" You - you, said You- know- Who's name," stuttered Pettigrew.

"Dear of the name increases the fear of the thing itself," she quoted.

" I-I well these Slytherins are all evil," said James firmly.

" What makes you say that," she then turned to Sirius," wasn't your cousin Andromeda in Slytherin too? But I heard she married a muggleborn and is not a Death Eater," she was now getting really angry.

" Well, they just are all evil" said James angrily.

" Well, I don't believe in this prejudice against Slytherin, they're innocent until proven guilty, plus it's our actions that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities." she said angrily getting up and storming out of the compartment.

She was looking around for a empty compartment when she came across one with only one boy sitting in. She slid open the door and asked, " do you mind if I sit here?" She asked politely.

"Sure," said the boy, he had a dreamy look in his eyes, " I am Xenophilius Lovegood, by the way."

Luna stared at him, she knew him, he was her Aunt Luna's dad.

" Have you got  Wackspruts in your head?" he asked looking concerned.

When she looked at him questioningly, he said, " Oh a wacksprut, you know, they are invisible. They float in through your ears and make your brain go fuzzy,  I thought I felt one zooming around in here."

" Oh, well  I'm Luna Parker," she said.

" Luna?" he asked, " I've always liked that name." 

She sat down and removed a book from her bag, glancing at Xenophilius who was reading ' The Quibbler'.

" Say, are you reading The Quibbler? I've always found it quiet fascinating, really" she said.

Xenophilius glanced up " my father's the editor of Quibbler, you know he'll be happy to hear that" he said smiling at her, " I am going to write for it too, once I graduate, you know."

" Oh, that's nice, what year are you in?" she asked.

" Fifth, you?" he asked.

"Sixth," she replied.

After their conversation, they fell into a comfortable silence. Xenophilius was solving the runes, holding the paper upside - down and Luna was reading her ' Hogwarts a History' copy. When a prefect entered their compartment, 

" You two should better change into your robes, I except we'll be arriving soon." She said.

Luna excused herself and went to the girls restroom to change. After a while they went out of the compartment and climbed the carriages, when she saw Xenophilia stroking the invisible thestral.

"Oh, can you see the thestrals ?" She asked as they sat in a carriage.

"Oh, do you know about them?" He asked dreamily, "Most people don't believe me when I tell them about these fascinating creatures. Only people who have seen death can see them, you know, I saw my aunt die, she was quiet a unique witch herself, she died when one of her experiments went horribly wrong."

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said sympathetically.

"Oh it's quite alright," he said then suddenly pointed at something,  " look, there's Hogwarts." 

They then descended the carriage and parted their ways, he went to sit at the Ravenclaw table and she sat down at the Gryffindor table. 

(A/N: I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I'll update the next one as soon as possible.)

Lily Luna Potter Lost In TimeWhere stories live. Discover now