The Marauders Map

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It had now been a week since Luna had started Hogwarts in the past and currently her main aim was to get her hands on the Marauders Map and change her name from Lily Luna Potter to Luna Parker. She found her chance just a few days later.

It was Monday evening and most of the Gryffindors were chilling in the common room when suddenly Luna saw the Marauders hurrying up to their dorm. She noticed that on the couch that they were sitting on was a worn piece of parchment. Her eyes lit up, is that what I think it is? she thought.

Luna hurried over to there, slipped the parchment into her robe pocket and quickly went to her dorm to edit the map before the Marauders noticed that it was gone but unfortunately for her Mary and Marlene were sitting in there. So, she went into the bathroom, locked the door, tapped the map with her wand and muttered 'i solemnly swear I'm up to no good'. The map started revealing words and soon the map was fully formed.

Luna scanned the map, searching for her name. Once she found it she murmured the spell she had searched up in the library under her breath. Soon her name on the map changed from Lily Luna Potter to Luna Parker. She then murmured 'mischief managed' which made the words vanish.

Then Luna hurried back downstairs, placed the map on the couch unnoticed and went back to reading her book.

The rest of the week went peacefully except an encounter with, as Emmeline likes to call them, 'the wannabe death eaters'. It started like this:

It was a Friday and they had just finished double potions which was the last class for the day. The trio was going through a dark corridor when their path was blocked by none other than the 'wannabe death eaters'.

"Well," said Mulciber smirking evilly and drawing out his wand and gesturing the others to do the same, "how about we finish off what we started on the first day."

The other four drew out their wands too, though Luna noticed Snape and Black did it unwillingly, but they quickly masked it. The girls too then drew out their wands. Rosier fired a spell at Emmeline which she easily blocked and instead sent the disarming spell towards him which he too blocked.

Snape and Black dueled Amelia, though if you saw closely you could see that their heart was not in it. Mulciber and Avery then together proceeded towards Luna and yelled 'stupfey' at the same time. 'Protergo' she shouted her shield charm knocked Avery down, it was clear he hadn't been expecting that she'll be able to block it. She quickly disarmed and stunned Avery and then turned towards Mulciber on whom she cast a bat - bogey hex and took away his wand.

Then she turned towards the other two to help them but found that Emmeline and Rosier were in a fierce battle and didn't disturb them. So, instead she went to help Amelia who was dueling two of them. Snape and Luna then started dueling though both of then didn't want to as they were now friends and as Snape hadn't told anybody about her secret, so she trusted him. While Snape and Luna we're dueling Amelia had managed to stun Regulus Black and then helped Luna disarm and stun Snape. Then the two saw that Emmeline had managed to disarm her opponent and had cast a leg - locker curse on him.

Then together they went to the library to complete their homework.

"You're good at dueling Amelia," praised Luna.

Amelia blushed, "thanks, you and Emmeline are also very good at it."

Then they passed they day chatting, doing homework and playing wizard chess. They were in the common room when Emmeline saw a new notice on the noticeboard, she went over to read it.

"Hey guys, look," she exclaimed "there's going to be a Hogsmeade trip tomorrow."

"What's Hogsmeade?" Asked Luna pretending to be confused.

"Oh, wait till you see it, you'll absolutely love it. It's a magical village where third years and above are allowed to visit," said Amelia happily. " I hope tomorrow comes soon."

The three girls then went into a sound sleep excited for the next day not knowing what was awaiting them.

(A/N: I am sorry that this update took so long but now at least until January last or middle week updates will be slow as I've got exams in January. But they won't stop fully, they'll just be less frequent. And don't worry if this chapter was a bit bore, if it was I'm sorry, but I think the next chapter will be better.)

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